Home Remedies for Toenail Fungus

There are various home remedies for toenail fungus, but some of these are not guaranteed to be effective, particularly if your condition is already severe. Nevertheless, most of them are safe and easy to use since the products you will need are already available at home.

Whatever treatment you will use, make sure to trim your nails and clean them well before applying the treatment. Also, maintain proper hygiene at all times. Change socks daily and wear well-ventilated shoes to allow your feet to breathe.

Research has shown that some home remedies for nail fungus are truly effective. Some of them are even more effective than over the counter and prescription medications. If you’re thinking of using home remedies to treat your toenail fungus, here are some remedies you can try.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has been found to lower the skin’s pH level, which can also help to minimize unwanted fungi on the skin, thus treating your toenail fungal infection. When using apple cider vinegar as home remedies for foot fungus, experts advise adding two tbsp of vinegar to a basin of lukewarm water. Soak your feet on the mixture for 15 to 20 minutes. Although some people have experienced an improvement in their toenail fungus after trying the apple cider vinegar as a foot soak, more studies are needed to confirm if the vinegar is effective for treating fungal infections.


Garlic contains potent antifungal properties that may help fight the fungus that causes infection on the toenails, making it one of the most effective home remedies for toenail fungus. To use garlic as a remedy for toenail fungus, people would chop up a clove of garlic and apply it directly to the infected nail for 20 to 30 mins once a day. But take note that garlic could irritate the skin, and the smell could put you off. While garlic is a popular remedy for toenail fungus, there are not enough clinical trials to support its use.

Listerine mouthwash

Listerine mouthwash contains ingredients like menthol, thymol, and eucalyptol that have antibacterial and antifungal properties, which is why people believe it could be an effective remedy for toenails fungus. In fact, Listerine footbath is a common treatment for athletes’ foot and other fungal infections, including toenail fungus. Soaking the feet with the Listerine foot bath for 20 to 30 minutes can soften the nail plate, allowing the antifungal ingredients from Listerine to penetrate the toenails and kill the fungus. However, there are not enough trials to support its use.

Olive leaf extract

Olive leaves contain oleuropein that has been found to possess antibacterial and antifungal properties. Also, some studies show that it’s effective in killing the yeast Candida albicans, one of the fungal strains that can cause toenail fungus. Studies suggest that the leaves may be effective against fungal infections when taken orally, although no quality trials are available to confirm this claim.

Oregano oil

The oregano oil contains thymol, an ingredient with antibacterial and antifungal properties. Because of this, many believe that oregano is one of the natural remedies for toenail fungus. Although trials investigating the use of oregano oil for fungal infections are lacking, one trial that uses a combination of essential oils of lime, oregano, and tea tree has reported a mycological cure of 78.5% after a year of use.

Snake root extract

The snakeroot extract has long been used as a traditional Mexican medicine for fungal skin infections. One study that compared the topical solution of snakeroot extract to ciclopirox for toenail fungus has shown that the snakeroot extract is more therapeutically effective for 71.1%. Moreover, there have been no severe side effects that have been reported with the treatment. Experts suggest applying every third day for the first month, twice a week on the second month, and once a week for the third month.

Tea Tree Oil

Applying essential oil made from 100% tea tree oil is one of the most effective home remedies for toenail fungus. In fact, its effects are comparable to 1% clotrimazole solution when treating toenail fungus. Another study found that combining tea tree oil with antifungal creams can lead to better results than using antifungal cream alone. Some people would apply the oil directly to the affected toenails, while others would prepare foot soak using tea tree oil to soak their feet.

Vicks VapoRub

Vicks VapoRub is another popular remedy for treating fungal infections. One study shows that 83% of people who applied the Vicks VapoRub once daily to treat their toenail fungus have experienced significant improvement. All people who participated in such a study were very satisfied with the appearance of their nails at the end of the treatment. Experts believe that the reason behind the effectiveness of Vicks VapoRub in treating fungal infections has something to do with the ingredients found in it, such as menthol and thymol, which are believed to have antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Ozonized sunflower oil

The ozonized sunflower oil is a combination of ozone and sunflower oil. It’s prepared by treating the sunflower oil with ozone, leading to an ozone reservoir that slowly releases into the affected nail or skin. Ozone is believed to be a very effective antifungal and bacterial agent that promises excellent results when used as a home remedy for toenail fungus. A study shows that ozonized sunflower oil can help to inhibit the growth of different fungi strains that can cause toenail fungal infection.

Baking soda

Baking soda has been used to treat a wide range of skin illnesses. It’s also believed to be one of the most effective home remedies for toenail fungus. To prepare, mix the baking soda with water to produce a paste-like texture, then apply directly to the affected toenail and leave the paste for 15 minutes. Do this for three to four times each day to remove excess moisture from the nail and inhibit fungus growth.

Laser Toenail Fungus Removal: Last Resort?

Laser toenail fungus removal is a treatment for toenail fungus infection, a condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It’s the type of infection that changes the texture and appearance of the toenail. One of the solutions that doctors would recommend to treat this condition is laser treatment. This is usually the last resort. When all other traditional toenail fungus treatments have failed, laser treatment is the last option doctors have. Before going for this laser treatment, you might want to try some natural supplements to see if that works for you.

There are several different types of laser treatment for toenail fungus. Some use light for treatment, while others use carbon dioxide (CO2). The US FDA has approved laser toenail fungus removal to treat different types of toenail fungus.

The laser therapy for toenail fungus will require several sessions before completely resolving the condition. It could take around 6 to 18 months of regular treatment for the laser therapy to be effective. Although these treatments could, in some cases, cause side effects like pain and bleeding of the surrounding areas in the nail, they are generally safe.

How the Laser Toenail Fungus Removal Works

Laser devices work in the same way – they emit energy pulses to produce heat. When used in treating toenail fungus, the laser will be directed to the affected area, allowing the heat to penetrate the toenail and the nail bed where the fungus is present.

Usually, the laser toenail fungus removal will require CO2 lasers with wavelengths of 1320 nm, 930 nm, or 870 nm to increase the temperature. As a result of the heat from the laser, the infected tissue will be decomposed and gasified, which then destroys the fungus in the nail. The heat coming from lasers also comes with a sterilizing effect that further helps prevent fungus growth.

If used properly, the laser fungal nail treatment should be a safe method for treating toenail fungus. The laser will not emit enough energy to destroy the surrounding tissues in the nail. Since the infection can only partially survive each treatment, it’s unlikely that it will treat your infection in only a single session. For this reason, repeat treatment is necessary. When done several times, it could stop fungal growth and ultimately destroy the fungal microorganisms that are causing the infection.

Is Laser Toenail Fungus Removal Effective?

The FDA has approved several different types of laser devices to treat the toenail fungus. Among these are the Noveon, GenesisPlus, and PinPointe Footlaser. As stated on the criteria for approval, these devices may produce a temporary growth of clear nails for patients with toenail fungus.

Many of those who tried the toe fungus laser treatment have experienced noticeable improvement, and there’s always a high cure rate. One study showed a 61% cure rate after 16 weeks, while another showed a 91% clinical improvement rate and a 30% cure rate after 180 days.

In addition, the laser toenail fungus removal was linked to high rates of negative cultures. This typically means that a microscopic laboratory test for fungal infection did not show any evidence of infection after treatment.

How Does the Laser Treatment Compare to Other Treatment Options?

Laser treatments are generally more effective when compared to the other treatment options for toenail fungus. Some of the most popular treatment options for this condition include over-the-counter topical drugs, oral antifungal medications, and prescription medications. Oral antifungals are effective, but they usually come with side effects. Topical medications are safer, but they are not too effective.

Some studies show an approximately 45% improvement of toenail fungus with topical drugs and about 40% to 66% improvement with oral antifungal medications. However, there has been a range in the effectiveness of these treatments. Also, consistent use of these medications while avoiding the harsh side effects can be tedious. Combining different therapies may be more effective instead of a single treatment approach.

What To Expect When Getting a Laser Treatment

If you start to develop infections in the toenail, the first step is to consult your doctor. The doctor will evaluate your symptoms and take a sample from your nails to determine the fungal strain that caused the infection. Usually, toenail fungus is diagnosed according to the nail’s appearance. Once a sample is taken, it will be brought to the lab to be examined under a microscope.

When the doctor confirms that your infection is indeed due to fungus, he or she will recommend the laser fungal nail treatment. The treatment will be administered by a healthcare provider, either a doctor, dermatologist, or podiatrist. You will also have to undergo a process known as debridement, wherein they will clip your toenails and clean the dead skin. This can be done a few days beforehand or on the day of the procedure.

Before starting the toe fungus laser treatment, they will clean your foot with a sterile solution and place it in an accessible position where they can easily direct the laser and will start to maneuver the laser over the affected nails. They might also have to run it over the non-affected areas surrounding the nail to kill any fungal infections there.

Using varying wavelengths or pulsing the laser may help minimize heat on the skin, reducing the risk of side effects. A single session typically lasts up to 30 minutes or less. As the fungal tissues start to decompose, pain or bleeding could occur. However, the skin should heal after a few days. Your doctor will advise you how long you should keep your toes clean and dry as they start to heal.


If you have been suffering from toenail fungus for a while and none of the medications you tried did not work, you might want to consider getting the laser toenail fungus removal. Oral medications may work, but they could cause side effects. Meanwhile, topical medications are not that effective. But before you decide to go for laser therapy, you must know what the procedure is, how it works, and the risks involved. Talk to your doctor before undergoing the laser toenail fungus removal. If you have any doubts, don’t hesitate to ask questions. Your doctor can explain why he or she believes that laser treatment is the best method for treating your toenail fungus.

If you are considering this last resort as all else have failed, you might try out all natural toenail fungus treatment supplements that are designed to treat the fungus by fighting the free radicals (common cause of toenail fungus) and by boosting your immune system.

Foot Soak for Toenail Fungus: Toenail Fungus Home Remedy

The foot soak for toenail fungus can help soothe the symptoms of having fungal infection on your toenails. There are several versions of foot soaks out there, and you can prepare them at home using readily available ingredients. And while some of the foot soak for fungus is truly effective, the effects will vary depending on the severity of your condition. For those suffering from the more severe cases of toenail fungus, you may have to see your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment or try our natural supplements that are specially made to treat toenail fungus.

What Can Fungus Infections Do To Your Toenails

Millions of people suffer from toenail fungus, also known as onychomycosis. Others are not even aware they have it. It happens due to the fungus living on the skin underneath the toenails that could sometimes multiply and infect the nails.

There are several types of toenail fungus, but the most common is the distal subungual onychomycosis. With this condition, the fungus will get into the nail bed through the skin under the nail. The infection will eventually cause the toenails to thicken. In some cases, the nails will begin to discolor and turn yellowish. There may also be mild inflammation and pain.

Often, the nails will start to chip and become jagged, eventually separating from the nail bed. Those with the highly contagious athlete’s foot are more at risk of getting distal subungual onychomycosis.

It’s also common for people to get it from their household contacts since the infection is contagious. Another subtype, white superficial onychomycosis, is less common than distal subungual onychomycosis. Unlike other forms of onychomycosis, which affect the fingernails and toenails, the white superficial onychomycosis will only affect the toenails.

The symptoms of white superficial onychomycosis include small and white powdery-looking patches that will randomly appear at the toenail. The nail becomes soft and will easily crumble.

Foot Soak for Toenail Fungus

In most cases, toenail infections will eventually go away on their own even without prescription medical treatment. Over-the-counter toenail fungus treatment products may help to soothe the symptoms, but they may not eradicate the fungus. Also, it could take several months or even up to a year for the infection to heal.

For those whose symptoms are mild, you can try the foot soak for fungus at home to try to soothe the symptoms and help your toenails heal. Here are some of the foot soaks for toenail fungus that you can try at home.

Apple Cider Vinegar Foot Soak

Apple cider vinegar is a classic toenail fungus home remedy that many people swear by. The vinegar is believed to help treat skin problems and possibly help with toenail fungus. Before using apple cider vinegar for toenail fungus, keep in mind that there’s not enough research to confirm whether this home remedy is effective. Still, it’s worth giving a try.

To prepare the apple cider vinegar for toenail fungus, mix two parts of warm water to one part of apple cider vinegar. Pour the mixture into a basin and soak your feet for 10 to 15 minutes per day. Make sure to dry and clean your feet afterward and apply moisturizer. Do this three times a week for up to a year or until your symptoms disappear.

Tea Tree Oil Foot Soak

Some scientific studies support tea tree oil in treating nail fungus. Although more studies are needed, these studies pointed out the tea tree oil’s antifungal properties. Some studies also show that tea tree oil may effectively reduce fungal growth. Combining the tea tree oil with other medicated creams may also help to effectively treat the toenail fungus.

Before using the tea tree oil for foot soak for toenail fungus, do a skin patch test. Apply a small amount of the oil to your forearm. If you’re not experiencing any irritation within 24 hours, you can use the tea tree oil for a foot soak. To prepare, add five drops of the tea tree oil to half-ounce carrier oil. Mix well and add into a bucket of warm water. Soak your feet to the mixture for up to 20 minutes.

Baking Soda Foot Soak

Baking soda is another inexpensive ingredient recognized for its ability to treat a wide range of skin conditions, from sunburned skin to itchy skin. Some people believe that baking soda may also help curb the growth of fungus and potentially treat toenail fungus. According to one study, lab tests showed that baking soda might effectively suppress fungal growth.

To prepare the baking soda for foot soak for toenail fungus, fill a basin with warm water. Add one-half cup of baking soda into the basin, then soak your feet in the mixture for 15 to 20 minutes.

Hydrogen Peroxide Foot Soak

Hydrogen peroxide may help kill the fungus growing on your skin and is believed to be an effective remedy for toenail fungus. According to the CDC, hydrogen peroxide could kill bacteria, viruses, mold spores, yeast, and fungi. Using a cotton swab, some people will directly apply the hydrogen peroxide to the affected area. But others will use hydrogen peroxide as a foot soak.

When using hydrogen peroxide as a foot soak for toenail fungus, mix 1/8 cup of hydrogen peroxide with four cups of cool water. Soak your feet to the mixture for 10 to 20 minutes. Rinse your feet with warm water and dry them thoroughly.

Over-the-counter Foot Soaks

If you prefer a “ready-to-use” product for foot soak for toenail fungus, you can rely on over-the-counter foot soak products. But before you buy, find out the list of ingredients and see if they contain antibacterial and antifungal properties, effectively curing the fungal infection. Some over-the-counter foot soak products contain baking soda, tea tree oil, and Epsom salt. These ingredients may help to kill the fungus and eliminate the other symptoms that come with having a fungal infection.


While the foot soak for toenail fungus may help address the symptoms of fungal infections, they cannot guarantee the full treatment of your condition. If you have diabetes or have severe symptoms of toenail fungus, see your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. Also, if you have tried these foot soaks for a while, and your fungal infection has not improved, better leave it to your doctor. You can also try out all natural toenail fungus treatment supplements that are designed to treat toenail fungus by fighting the free radicals and boosting the immune system.

Types of Toenail Fungus: Toenail Fungus Treatments

There are different types of toenail fungus. Also known as “onychomycosis, ” a fungal infection that occurs under the toenails, affecting one or more nails. It will usually start as a tiny white spot under the tip of the nail before turning yellowish. Eventually, it will progress deeper into the nail, causing additional symptoms and potentially losing the nails.

Nail fungus can also affect the fingernails. However, it’s more common in the toenails. That’s because shoes and socks create a dark and damp environment, an ideal breeding ground for fungus. The treatment will vary according to the types of toenail fungus you have.

Symptoms of Toenail Fungus

The symptoms of toenail fungus will vary, depending on the types of toenail fungus and other factors, such as the duration and extent of infection. Other complicating factors can also affect some other parts of the toes. In extreme cases, the infection could spread to the foot and the body. Generally, the most common symptoms of toenail fungus include the following:

Thickened nails

Brittle and crumbly nails

Whitish to yellow discoloration

Darkened with debris

Thickened nails

Distorted and misshapen nails

Mildly foul odor

Different Types of Toenail Fungus

There are several different types of toenail fungus. However, the three main types are white superficial onychomycosis, subungual onychomycosis, and candida onychomycosis. Each type defines the nature of the fungus.

White Superficial Onychomycosis

The white superficial onychomycosis is a type of toenail fungus characterized by fungi growth at the nail plate’s dorsal surface or the top layer of the nail. It happens due to Acremonium, a type of fungi that belongs to the Hypocreaceae family. There are about 100 different species of Acremonium. This type of toenail fungus is sometimes caused by Fusarium, a filamentous fungus also belonging to the Hypocreaceae family. 

The white superficial onychomycosis will first appear as white spots before turning yellowish. It’s usually the easiest to treat in all types of toenail fungus because it’s so easy to get to. But once the infection spreads across the toenail, the nails could get crumbly or rough. It can be treated through mechanical debridement of the affected toenails, followed by anti-fungal agents.

Aside from the standard form of white superficial onychomycosis, which is usually quite common in the toenails, other varieties of this type of toenail fungus exist. These include white superficial onychomycosis in children, mold white superficial onychomycosis, and white superficial onychomycosis on individuals diagnosed with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Subungual Onychomycosis

Subungual onychomycosis is a type of toenail infection caused by the fungi dermatophytes. There are about 40 different dermatophytes species categorized into three genera – Trichophyton, Epidermophyton, and Microsporum. Dermatophytes are the same class of fungus that causes the Athlete’s Foot. If the infection begins in the skin below the nail, it’s known as the distal subungual onychomycosis. There are cases when the infection will start at the toenail base. This type is called the proximal subungual onychomycosis.

If the doctor suspects that you have subungual onychomycosis, he will take a sample from the nail for examination. The specimen will be taken from the site nearest the cuticle, where the growth of fungi is the greatest. Topical antifungal medications are usually applied to the affected area in the nails to kill the fungi and other pathogens that cause the infection.

Candida Onychomycosis

The candida onychomycosis is the type of fungal infection caused by a yeast, scientifically known as candida. There are about 60 different species of candida. Although candida onychomycosis is less common in nails, this is a common type of fungal infection. It usually accounts for most infections affecting the GI tract and the mucus membranes.

Other Types of Toenail Fungus

Sometimes, the toenail fungus is categorized according to the color of the nails. So, aside from the three main types of toenail fungus, there are other varieties of toenail fungus, which include the following:

Black toenail fungus

If your toenail is thick and dark, this type of fungal infection is due to a fungus known as the dermatophytes. This infection affects the toenail, including the area underneath the nail, and causes discoloration of the nails. Sometimes, the nail will be thickened and deformed.

The black toenail fungus is relatively common, with about 12% of Americans diagnosed with the condition. Older adults, individuals with diabetes, weakened immune systems, and blood circulation problems are more likely to develop black nail fungus. The infection will not go away on its own. Sometimes, it can take a year or more to treat it using prescription medicines, which are applied directly to the toenails or taken orally in the form of a pill.

Yellow toenail fungus

As the name suggests, the yellow toenail fungus refers to a fungal infection where the nails turn yellowish. But it’s worth noting that having thick yellow toenails is not always a result of fungal infection. It can also be due to many factors, such as nail polish and aging.

When a fungal infection causes the condition, it’s usually because of the fungi known as dermatophytes, which thrive on keratin. Keratin is abundant in skin and nails, and when the fungi start feeding on the toenails, the yellow toenail fungus occurs.

Green nail fungus

The green nail fungus is an infection that results in the greenish discoloration of nails. Usually, the discoloration will vary from bluish green to dark green or bluish grey. Since the infection occurs underneath the nail, the green color will not disappear with washing or scrubbing.

The green nail fungus is due to a bacteria known as pseudomonas aeruginosa. It usually flourishes in wet environments, like Jacuzzis, sinks, and bath sponges. Once it grows on your toenails, it produces green pigments known as pyocyanin and pyoverdin.


There are many things you can do to avoid developing any of these types of toenail fungus. Always maintain proper hygiene by cleaning your feet regularly and making sure you wear a pair of clean and dry socks. But if you do develop a toenail fungus, you can use antifungal medications to treat the condition. However, if the infection will not go away even after treatment, it is best to see a doctor. Browse through out best toenail fungus treatment site for more information.

Medicines for Toenail Fungus: What is the Best Option?

Many people are interested to know the best medicines for toenail fungus. It’s a common condition in the toenails caused by the growth of a fungus. Different fungi species can trigger skin problems such as bumps and rashes. However, it’s more common in the toenail. The fungus that causes the toenail infection thrives on damp surfaces, such as public showers and swimming pools.

The best medicines for toenail fungus will depend on the type of infection you have. That’s why proper diagnosis from the doctor is a must. Your doctor can examine your fungal nails and take a sample by scraping some portions. The specimen will be sent to the lab to check your infection type. Once the doctor receives the result, your doctor will decide the best treatment. Sometimes, the condition may only be due to psoriasis and is only mistaken as a fungal infection. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to get tested with your doctor.

What Is the Best Treatment for Toenail Fungus?

To determine the best med for toenail fungus, seek medical advice from health professionals. There are different medications that the doctor can prescribe for the treatment of toenail fungus. But the type of medication will depend on the kind of nail fungus you have and the severity of the infection.

Over the Counter Medications

Over-the-counter drugs are some of the best medicines for toenail fungus. They work to prevent infection and prevent the growth of toenail fungus. Usually, they come in the form of creams and topical gels that you can apply directly to the affected area.

There are also over-the-counter foot powders and foot sprays that can help prevent the growth of foot fungus before it gets into the toenails. These are the best products to treat mild cases. However, otc nail fungus treatment cannot penetrate deep into the cuticle and may not treat the infected nail fully. When it comes to this, you may be required to take prescription medicine or try a good all natural supplement.

Oral Medications

When you see a doctor for the treatment of your toenail fungus, your doctor will most likely prescribe you oral medications. They are usually the first choice for nail fungus med since they can help clear the fungal infection more quickly, unlike topical drugs.

The oral medications work by causing new nails to grow, replacing the infected nail. These medications have to be taken orally for six to twelve weeks, depending on the severity of your infection. Sporanox and Lamisil are some of the most popular oral medicines for toenail fungus.

Topical Medications

Prescription topicals are also some of the most common medications used to treat toenail fungus infection. But it’s only recommended for those infections that are not widespread but do not seem to go away with over-the-counter drugs. These medicines can come in the form of nail polish or cream.

Using the medicated nail polish as a med for nail fungus is easy. Just like with using regular nail polish, you just paint it directly into the affected nail using a brush. You should layer it for about a week. After a week, you can wipe the layers clean and start the process again. If you prefer the topical medication cream, you have to apply the cream directly to the affected toenail. Leave the cream for a few minutes to allow it to seep through the skin and kill the fungus that causes the infection.


In the most extreme cases, your doctor might require you to undergo surgery, especially if none of the medicines for toenail fungus will work for you. There are also cases when the infection can make your toenails extremely painful. In this case, the doctor might consider removing the nail completely and will require you to apply the anti-fungal medication directly under the skin.

Home Remedies

Most of the toenail fungal infections come with only mild symptoms and will eventually go away on their own. If your infection is only mid, there are some home remedies for toenail fungus that you can try at home to eliminate the infection.

Trim and thin – regular trimming and thinning your nails can help to minimize the pain and inflammation brought by the toenail fungal infection. After trimming your nails, consider applying over-the-counter med for nail fungus for more effective results.

Footbath – a footbath is among the most effective home remedies for toenail fungal infections. For this, you can use baking soda, apple cider vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, or Epsom salt. Mix them with warm water and soak your feet for 15 to 20 minutes. These home remedies have been proven to be effective in treating all kinds of toenail fungus.

Antifungal essential oils – certain types of essential oils have also been found to contain powerful antifungal properties that can help treat toenail fungus infection. Some of the best essential oils for toenail fungus are clove oil, tea tree oil, jasmine oil, sage oil, lavender oil, eucalyptus oil, ylang-ylang oil, cinnamon oil, lemongrass oil, and lemon oil. Prepare a footbath by mixing any essential oils with warm water and soaking your feet in the mixture.


While you can easily treat most toenail fungal infections, and there are many effective medicines for toenail fungus out there, prevention is always better than cure. If you do not want your toenails to be infected, here are some tips to keep in mind:

Keep your toenails trimmed at all times. Make sure they are clean, dry, and short.

If one of your toenails is infected, use a different nail clipper to trim it. Avoid using the same clipper for the rest of the toenails, or the infection will spread.

Always wear a pair of breathable shoes.

Keep your feet dry at all times. Wear socks made of cotton and change them regularly.

Always maintain good feet hygiene.

Wear shower shoes when using a communal bathroom.


If you are struggling with getting rid of your toenail fungus, see your doctor immediately. Your doctor will prescribe the most effective medicines for toenail fungus to help get rid of the infection. You can also give the home remedies a try if your symptoms are only mild. alternatively, you can also use a good all natural supplement as a best toenail fungus treatment option.

Lamisil for Toenail Fungus

Before using Lamisil for toenail fungus, you need to do enough research about this antifungal medication. Just like the other medicines for fungal infections, Lamisil can come with harmful side effects. You must not use it if you are allergic to Terbinafine drugs or suffer from liver problems and have a weakened immune system. Only use prescription toenail fungus medications if you must. If you can treat your nail fungus with all natural supplements, it will always be the best option.

Lamisil is used to treat a wide variety of fungal infections, but the most common of these is toenail fungus. Toenail fungus, also known as onychomycosis, is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide. In most cases, the symptoms are mild, causing only cosmetic concerns. However, some people could suffer from changes in the nail structure which may even lead to pain. 

There are also cases where toenail fungus can become notoriously difficult to treat, mainly because the fungus will thrive throughout the nail, including in the nail bed. In addition, the structure of the nail has made it hard for some topical medications to penetrate. One of the most common treatments for toenail fungus is Lamisil. But it would be best to see a doctor before using Lamisil for toenail fungus. 

What Is Lamisil?

Lamisil is a medication used to treat different types of fungal skin infections, including athlete’s foot, ringworm, and jock itch. It is also used to treat some skin conditions, such as pityriasis, a fungal infection that causes the skin on the neck, arms, chest, or legs to darken. When you use Lamisil for nail fungus, it works by preventing the growth of the fungus on your nails. You can buy Lamisil toenail fungus over the counter. However, the Lamisil tablets require a prescription from the doctor.

You must apply Lamisil topical on the nails or skin only. Before applying, make sure you clean the affected area and dry it thoroughly. Apply a thin layer of Lamisil on and around the infected area. It can be used once or twice daily, depending on your doctor’s directions or according to the product label.

If you have any questions about using Lamisil for toenail fungus, better talk to your doctor or pharmacist. After using, wash your hands thoroughly unless the area being treated includes your hands. Never wrap, cover, or put a bandage on the affected area unless directed by your doctor.

Safety Precautions When Using Lamisil for Toenail Fungus

It’s always a good idea to consult with medical experts if you decide to use Lamisil for toe fungus. The doctor can diagnose your toe to confirm if it’s due to a fungal infection and will determine if the Lamisil is safe for you to use or not. One of the most common reasons why treatment of nail infections often fails is that people immediately assume it is due to fungus, even if it’s not. By working with a doctor, specifically a podiatrist, you will not only confirm that the cause is due to fungus, but the doctor can also identify the type of strain that has caused the infection. From this, the doctor can then decide which medication is more suitable for you.

Generally, using Lamisil topical for toenail fungus is safe. It’s also safe to use for other types of fungal infections. Just avoid applying it on your nose, eyes, mouth, or inside the vagina. But if you have accidentally applied the cream to those areas, clean them immediately with plenty of water. In addition, avoid applying the medication on your scalp unless otherwise directed by your doctor.

The length and dosage of Lamisil for toenail fungus will depend on the type of fungal infection you have. That’s why it’s a good idea to see your doctor instead of self-medicating with Lamisil. Avoid applying Lamisil more often, or longer than the doctor recommends, as this could put you at risk of harmful side effects. To get the most benefits, use Lamisil regularly. If possible, use it at the same time every day. Continue using until the full treatment period is over, even if your symptoms have already disappeared after a few days. The infection could return if you stop the medication early on.

Your condition should improve after the full treatment of Lamisil. Depending on the severity of the condition, it could take several weeks for the infection to completely heal. Inform your doctor if your condition worsens or will not improve even after your period of using Lamisil for toenail fungus is over.

Side Effects of Using Lamisil for Toenail Fungus

Although rare, you could suffer minor side effects such as itching, irritation, or burning sensation on the infected area when using Lamisil for toenail fungus. If any of these symptoms persist or get worse, inform your doctor or pharmacist immediately. If your doctor has advised you to use Lamisil, remember that your doctor has assessed that the benefit is far greater than its side effects. But in most cases, this medication should not cause any severe side effects.

Tell your doctor immediately if you suffer from severe but unlikely side effects such as swelling and blistering on the affected area. Some people could suffer from allergic reactions, but it’s very rare. However, seek immediate medical attention as you start developing symptoms of rashes, itchiness, swelling, severe dizziness, and difficulty breathing.

Things to Keep in Mind Before Using Lamisil for Nail Fungus

Before using Lamisil for toenail fungus, inform your doctor if you are allergic to it or other anti-fungal medications. Your doctor will usually ask you if you have any allergies to specific medicines, in most cases. Lamisil could contain inactive ingredients that can trigger allergic reactions and other issues to some people. Discuss with your doctor what other alternatives are safer for you to use.

Those suffering from any health problems must also exercise utmost precaution when using this product. For pregnant women, this medication must only be used when extremely needed. Also, if you are breastfeeding, talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of using Lamisil for toenail fungus. Some ingredients from the medication could be passed into the milk if taken by mouth and could harm your child.

For more available options on treating toenail fungus, read our best toenail fungus treatment post.

Finger Nail Fungus Treatment

The finger nail fungus treatment will mainly depend on the type of fungal infection you have. If you have a fingernail fungus, it means fungi are present in and around your fingernails. The strain of fungus that could thrive in your nails will vary. Thus, the treatment for the nail infection will vary as well. Best finger nail fungus treatment however will be a supplement that is made of all natural ingredients.

Also called onychomycosis, fingernail infection is a type of infection that could occur once a fungus gets into your fingernails. The infection will normally develop over time, so you might not notice any significant difference in how your fingernails look during the initial stage. But once it starts to develop, that’s when you begin to notice symptoms like a deformed nail that could lift off from the nail bed, brittle or thickened nails, and odor coming out of the infected nail.

Thankfully, you can treat onychomycosis easily. In fact, you will find lots of options for finger nail fungus treatment.

Diagnosing Finger Nail Fungus

Once you develop an infection in your fingernails, consider seeing a doctor for a proper diagnosis. The doctor will examine your nails to see if what you have is due to fungus. Remember, there are many reasons why your fingernails will get infected. Sometimes, you get fingernail fungus from acrylic nails. Other conditions, like psoriasis, can also look like a fungal infection of the fingernail. But fingernail fungus is usually a result of microorganisms like bacteria and yeast. Determining the cause of the condition can help your doctor decide on the proper finger nail fungus treatment.

The doctor will take some nail clippings or scrape debris under your nail to diagnose your fingernail infection. The doctor will send the sample to the lab to determine the strain of fungus that’s causing the infection on your fingernails.

Finger Nail Fungus Treatment

Sometimes, the finger fungal infection can be difficult to treat. Although it will not pose any serious complications, it is best to talk to your doctor, especially if none of the over-the-counter medications have worked. The finger nail fungus treatment will depend on the strain of fungus that caused the infection and the severity of the condition. It could take several months before you start to see improvement. And even if your fingernail infection has healed, there are chances of repeat infections.

After diagnosing your fingernail infection, your doctor will prescribe you antifungal drugs that you can take orally or apply to the nail, like nail polish. Sometimes, it will help to combine topical and oral antifungal medications.

Oral antifungal drugs

Oral antifungal drugs are often the first treatment choice since they help clear the infection faster than topical drugs. Some of the most popular medications for fungal fingernail infection are Lamisil and Sporanox. These drugs work by helping new nails grow to replace the parts that have been infected.

Typically, these drugs have to be taken for six to twelve weeks. But you will only see the result once the nail grows back completely. It could take up to four months to totally eliminate the fungal infection. Also, the success rates of these drugs are lower for adults over the age of 65.

Sometimes, these drugs can cause side effects, such as skin rashes and liver damage. You might have to undergo occasional blood tests to check how well you’re doing with these drugs. Sometimes, doctors will not recommend them for people suffering from liver diseases or congestive heart failure, especially if they also take other medications that could interact with the antifungal drugs.

Medicated nail polish

Sometimes, the doctor will prescribe antifungal nail polish known as ciclopirox (Penlac). It will be applied to the infected fingernails like nail polish. After seven days, you can wipe the nail layers clean using alcohol and apply a new coat. Depending on the severity of your infection, you may have to use this finger nail fungus treatment daily for up to a year.

Medicated nail cream

Sometimes, the doctor will prescribe an antifungal nail cream, which you can rub into the infected fingernails after soaking. The creams will work better if you will first thin your nails. That way, the medication can get through the fungus under fingernail. You can apply a lotion that contains urea to thin your infected nails. Sometimes, your doctor will thin the nail surface with a file or other tools.

Surgery for Finger Nail Fungus

For severe cases of a fungal fingernail infection, the doctor might require for the nail to be temporarily removed before applying antifungal drugs directly to the infected area of the nail. However, some infections will not respond well to medicines. In this case, your doctor might suggest permanent removal, especially if the infection causes extreme pain.

Home Remedies

For mild cases of fungal nail infections, there are home remedies that you can try:

Over the counter antifungal creams and ointments

You will find plenty of over-the-counter medications for finger nail fungus treatment. Once you begin to notice white markings on your fingernails, file them off. Soak your nails in water and dry them completely before applying the medicated cream or lotion.

Trim and thin the fingernails

Trimming and thinning the nails can help to minimize the pain by reducing pressure on the infected nails. It’s also a good idea to do this before applying the antifungal treatment, as it helps the drug penetrate the deeper layers of the fingernails. Before you trim and thin your nails, soften them with a lotion that contains urea.


Fingernail fungal infections are a common condition that can leave you with discolored and brittle nails. But having discolored and brittle nails does not always mean you have fungal infections. It can be due to something else. But if you believe you have a fungal infection, you can try over-the-counter finger nail fungus treatment. But if none of these options work, then your best bet is to see your doctor. The doctor can get a sample from your fingernails to examine at the lab and determine the type of fungal infection you have on your fingernails. You can also try out the nail fungus treatment supplements that are presented on this best toenail fungus treatment site.

Best Over the Counter Toenail Fungus Treatment

If your toenails have developed a fungal infection, then you are probably searching for the best over the counter toenail fungus treatment. While you will find many medications out there that claim to treat toenail fungus, a common infection affecting about 40 million Americans, none of the are to be used without the advice of a licensed doctor. If you must try an over the counter toenail fungus treatment, your best option is to opt for an all natural supplement that has proven ingredients that are known to treat such conditions.

Before you turn to over-the-counter medications, it’s important to know that not all toenail fungal infections are the same. Therefore, the method of treatment will vary as well. If none of these medications will work for you, it is best to see a doctor who can prescribe the best over-the-counter toenail fungus treatment.

Here are some medications you might want to try.

Undecylenic Acid

Undecylenic Acid is a common ingredient in many otc toenail fungus treatments. It’s also used to treat other conditions like jock itch and athlete’s foot. Undecylenic Acid is a fatty acid that works by stopping the fungus from growing.

Before applying this medication, clean the affected area and make sure it’s thoroughly dry. Apply it directly to the affected area, twice a day or as directed by the product label or your doctor. The dosage and the length of treatment will depend on the type of toenail infection you have.

Apply a generous amount of this medication on the affected area, including the surrounding skin. After application, wash your hands thoroughly. You don’t need to wrap or cover the treated area. Use the medication regularly or until your toenail fungus is gone. If irritation occurs, see your doctor immediately. You can buy this medication from local drugstores, and it is often sold in the form of a liquid or a polish that you can apply directly to your nails.


Although Clotrimazole is more commonly used to treat yeast infections, it’s also considered the best over-the-counter toenail fungus treatment. A group of scientists in the UK has found it effective in treating the fungal infection of patients who used the medication for 12 weeks.

Aside from being used as an otc nail fungus treatment, Clotrimazole can also work to treat ringworm, athlete’s foot, nappy rash, and thrush. The product comes in the form of a cream, spray, or a solution that you can apply directly to your skin. The treatment method will vary depending on the type of fungal infection you have. You can buy Clotrimazole from a supermarket or pharmacy.

Terbinafine Gel

The Terbinafine Gel is used for treating a variety of fungal infections, including jock itch, athlete’s foot, and ringworm. It can help relieve itching, burning sensation, and other symptoms of fungal infections. Terbinafine is an antifungal gel considered one of the most effective toenail fungus otc medications.

To use the gel, apply it directly to the affected area. Make sure you clean and dry your toenails before application. Apply a thin layer of the gel on the toenails and the surrounding skin, usually once a day or as per the direction of the product label. If you have any concerns about the product, better ask the pharmacist of your doctor. After application, do not wrap, cover, or apply a bandage on the affected area.

Your toenail fungus will continue to improve with regular use of the terbinafine gel. It could take several weeks after the treatment of the infection to heal fully. See your doctor if your condition worsens or does not show any improvement within two weeks of use.


Tolnaftate is a topical antifungal agent considered the best otc toenail fungus treatment. It can work against mild to moderate cases of fungal infection in both nails and skin. Just like with the other toenail fungus otc medications, you can also use this medication to treat other fungal infections, such as ringworm, jock itch, and athlete’s foot.

Tolnaftate can be brought from the pharmacy and comes in a cream, spray, powder, or liquid form. You could start to feel relief after two to three days of using. But it’s recommended that you continue using it for at least two weeks, even after the symptoms disappear.

Mentholated Creams

Although mentholated creams are usually used to treat chest colds, they are also considered the best over-the-counter toenail fungus treatment. One of the most popular mentholated creams is the Vicks VapoRub. It’s a popular home remedy for fungal infections, including toenail fungus. Although there are not too many studies to prove that it works, one small study involving 18 people has shown that it can work to treat fungal infections.

The mentholated cream works by killing the fungus that causes the infection, eradicating it from the nail surface. Make sure the area is dry and clean before application. Use your fingertips to take some amount of the cream and rub it gently on your toenails in circular motions. Thoroughly wash your hands after use.

Essential Oils

Essential oils are another otc toenail fungus treatment that many people swear by. These oils are extracted and distilled from different plants and contain chemical compounds with powerful properties. Many of these oils have antifungal properties, which can help to treat toenail fungus. The best part about using essential oils is that they will not trigger any harmful side effects, unlike other otc nail fungus treatment, which contains synthetic ingredients.

Some of the most popular essential oils that can treat fungal infections are eucalyptus, citronella, peppermint, geranium, tea tree, and lemongrass. Some studies show these oils were truly effective in fighting fungal infections.

To use the antifungal essential oils, you can mix two or three drops of these oils to a carrier oil like coconut oil. Mix two to three drops of the essential oils with 20 drops of carrier oil. Then use cotton to coat the mixture of oils to the affected area of your toenail. You may need to apply the oils two to three times per day for several weeks until your symptoms improve.


Toenail fungus is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Although it’s not a pressing health problem and will not lead to life-threatening symptoms, it can cause discomfort to the patient. If left untreated, it may lead to more severe complications. So, if you find yourself suffering from this type of fungal infection, you can refer to the list above for the best over-the-counter toenail fungus treatment. If none of them works or if you are looking for the best toenail fungus treatment that is all natural, you can look at the link below.

Best Home Remedies for Toenail Fungus

While there are wide range of home remedies for toenail fungus available out there, they are not guaranteed to provide 100% cure for toenail fungus. Some work to some extent, some provide temporary relief to some, and some are not recommended to be used at all. Best remedies for toenail fungus therefore will be a treatment that is made of all natural ingredients; ingredients that are proven to support skin and nail health. You need to look for ingredients that are high in antioxidant which will boost your immune system and ingredients that will fight against free radicals, which is the major cause of toenail fungus to begin with.

Many people would search for the best home remedies for toenail fungus because they don’t like the nasty side effects of taking over-the-counter drugs. Toenail fungus is a common condition, with millions of people suffering from this condition worldwide. Also called “onychomycosis,” it can cause discoloration of the toenails. If left treated, it will thicken and start to crumble. Sometimes, the infection could cause the nail to be removed from the nail bed. Since it is contagious, it usually begins in one toenail and eventually spreads to the other nails.

Toenail fungal infections can happen to anyone, resulting from the many different types of fungi. While most toenail infections can be treated easily, there are cases when the infection will require prescription drugs, such as anti-fungal pills. Although these drugs are truly effective, they could cause unpleasant side effects, including skin rashes and upset stomachs. Because of this, many people would turn to the best home remedies for toenail fungus.

Toenail Fungus Home Remedies

Baking Soda

Baking soda has long been a popular home remedy for a wide range of illnesses. Some people suggest that baking soda can help absorb moisture that causes fungus growth in the toenail. In addition, it contains fungistatic properties, which means that it will not only kill fungi but also prevent them from growing. However, there is not much scientific evidence that supports baking soda for toenail fungus, and there’s no evidence to suggest that it can treat fungal infections. Nevertheless, it’s worth trying, especially since baking soda is readily available.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a common household product. It’s also a popular remedy for toenail fungus because of its anti-fungal properties, as proven by a 2017 study. However, the study also notes that more research is needed to confirm the effectiveness of apple cider vinegar for toenail fungus. Using vinegar to treat your fungal infection is easy. Prepare a mixture of vinegar and warm water. Place in a basin and soak your feet in the mixture for about 15 minutes. Try the vinegar foot soak for fungus twice a day, and you will see improvement in only a few days.


Although garlic is used to season food, it’s also considered one of the best home remedies for toenail fungus. Some studies show that garlic contains strong anti-fungal properties, making it an effective remedy for treating all types of fungal infections, including toenail fungus. However, more research is needed to confirm this claim. Also, some studies suggest using garlic together with anti-fungal drugs to make it more effective. If you want to give this home remedy a try, chop up a clove of garlic and apply it directly to the infected nail for 30 minutes twice a day.

Epsom Salt

The Epsom salt has long been used to treat wounds and infections effectively. While it may not completely eliminate toenail fungus, the Epsom salt for toenail fungus can be a part of an anti-fungal regime. Soaking your feet in the salt could relieve you of the fungus that causes the infection in your toenails. Mix one cup of Epsom salt to two quarts of warm to hot water and soak your feet in the mixture for up to 20 minutes. Some people would add essential oils to the mix to make it more effective.


Some mouthwash products like Listerine contain active ingredients that could kill the fungus that causes the toenail fungus infection. Thus, many people believe it’s the best toenail fungus remedy, especially when combatting the odor of toenail infections. But it’s worth noting that some mouthwashes that contain chlorhexidine, which is believed to be the ingredient with antifungal properties, require a prescription from the doctor. The mouthwash can be used as a foot soak for fungus toenails. Just mix it with warm water.

Essential Oils

Some studies suggest that certain essential oils contain antifungal properties that can help treat toenail fungal infections, especially when used with other antifungal treatments. One of the essential oils used for antifungal treatment is tea tree oil. To use tree tea oil for nail fungus, add five drops of the oil to half-ounce of carrier oil. Mix well, stir into warm water, and use it as a foot soak for fungus toenails.

Vicks VapoRub

Although Vicks VapoRub is more commonly used to suppress cough, it contains active ingredients that may help to treat toenail fungus. A study about Vicks VapoRub toenail fungus has shown a “positive clinical effect.” However, more studies are needed to confirm the effectiveness of Vicks VapoRub on feet fungus. To use, apply a small amount of the Vicks VapoRub on your toenails at least once a day.

Snakeroot Extract

The Snakeroot may not be popular in the US. However, in places like Mexico, the Snakeroot extract is a popular traditional treatment for different skin conditions, making it one of the best home remedies for toenail fungus. This plant is part of the sunflower family and is believed to have potent antifungal properties. To use, apply the snakeroot extract directly to the affected area every third day for the first month, twice a week for the following month, and once a week for the third month.

Unsafe Home Remedies for Toenail Fungus

While some of the best home remedies for toenail fungus are somewhat effective, some products could cause more harm than good. For instance, you should never use bleach for nail fungus. It can be toxic to the skin and lead to severe skin irritation. In addition, you must use only a small amount of hot water when preparing foot soak for fungus toenails. Excessive heat can further injure the nails and skin and make your condition even worse. Always use lukewarm water for soaking. And finally, never remove the nails or avoid trimming them excessively. Doing so could cause damage to the nail bed and lead to further injuries. There is also a risk of causing further infections if the damaged nail is not properly removed.

You need to understand one thing. Home remedies are just like that – home remedies. If you are looking for the best toenail fungus treatment, you look for a professionally made supplement from proven all natural ingredients. Look for ingredients that fight free radicals and boost immune system. That will be the best toenail fungus treatment for you.

Best Toenail Fungus Treatments

Toenail fungus is a very common condition that affects 3% – 12% of the total population. Older people are more likely to have it than younger people. Over the age of 70, as much as 50% people are affected. It is therefore important to know the best toenail fungus treatments. Having a fungal infection on your toes will not only ruin the appearance of your nail, but the pain that it brings can cause some discomfort. If left untreated, the infection will spread and cause the nails to crack. Worse, the nail could be removed from the nail bed, bringing extreme pain to your toes. So, before this can happen, you must know the most effective toe fungus treatment. As always, best solution is the all natural solution. Something that is made of all natural ingredients.

Thankfully, there are many treatments you can try. Doctors will usually prescribe prescription anti-fungal toenail fungus medications, such as Lamisil (terbinafine) or fluconazole. These are the most common medications for fingernail fungus treatment. And while these medications are sometimes effective, they could bring severe side effects to the patient, from upset stomach to dizziness and severe skin problems. Because of this, many people would prefer natural toenail fungus treatments over prescription medications when it comes to the best toenail fungus treatment. 

What is Toenail Fungus?

The toenail fungal infection or onychomycosis happens when some microscopic organisms invade your nails. These organisms thrive in warm and damp environments. Once the fungal spores from the air land on receptive surfaces like your toenail, they will eventually grow. These organisms feed on your nail tissues, burrowing into the skin underneath your nail.

Without proper toe fungus treatment, your nail will thicken and start to crack. Once the fungal debris accumulates, it could remove your toenail from the nail bed. When your toenail is removed from the nail bed, it can be hard to re-attach, and a new nail may not grow from the nail bed. However, your nail may continue growing from the root at the base.

Diagnosing Toenail Fungus

There should be a proper diagnosis to determine the right foot fungus treatment. Several nail conditions could appear as fungal infections. As we age, our nails can thicken and will become yellowish. A skin condition known as psoriasis can also cause the nail to crack and the surrounding skin flake. Specific injuries can also bruise the skin underneath the nail. Even chemicals from nail polish could cause the nail to discolor.

Whether you have toenail fungus or not, do not wait until your toenails start to crack and are eventually removed from the nail bed before you get proper treatment. Once you begin to notice some problems in your toenails, you should immediately see a podiatrist. Podiatrists are doctors specializing in diagnosing and treating disorders on foot. They will diagnose your condition, and if they find that it’s a fungal infection, they will prescribe fungal nail infection treatment.

Toenail Fungus Treatments

There are several toe fungus treatments out there, and the cost and effectiveness of the treatment will vary. To effectively treat your fungal nail infection, the drug must be able to penetrate the nail and the nail bed.

Over the Counter Products

Anti-fungal medications are applied directly on the nail or underneath the nail using a polish brush. However, these medications may not cure the fungus under toenail. What they will do is to address the symptoms and improve the appearance of your nails. There’s no clear evidence if any of these over-the-counter products are particularly effective. Still, they are worth a try.

Topical Treatments

Topical treatments are some of the most effective products for toenail infection treatment. However, you need a prescription to buy these medications. Some of the most common products are efinaconazole, tavaborole, and ciclopirox. These topical treatments must be applied daily on the toenails and could take up to a year before you start seeing noticeable improvement on your nails.

The topical prescription treatments may be effective for early and superficial fungal infections since they kill the fungi at the nail surface. Filing down the nail surface may help the medicine penetrate deeply into the nail and the nail bed. Some studies show that the cure rate of a topical anti fungal nail treatment is around 35%.

Oral Medications

Studies found that oral medications like itraconazole and terbinafine could eliminate the fungal infection within ten months of use. However, in some patients, the fungus returned within a few months. Like other oral medications, these drugs may harm the liver. So, your doctor will first check your liver function before prescribing oral medications for your toe fungus treatment.

Itraconazole could also interact with other drugs. Also, if you are taking these drugs, you must avoid drinking alcohol and prevent sun exposure. The medication could also worsen diabetes, vasculitis, and other illnesses. While these medications are truly effective and can be considered the best toenail fungus treatment, the benefits may not be worth the risks.

Home Remedies for Toenail Fungus

As mentioned above, some of the best toenail fungus treatments can come with serious side effects and are not worth the risk, especially for people suffering from certain conditions and taking other medications. This is why many people would turn to home remedies. Below are some of the most popular at-home fungal nail infection treatments.

Vicks VapoRub

The Vicks VapoRub is a topical ointment designed to suppress cough. However, its active ingredients, eucalyptus oil and camphor, can effectively treat fungus under toenail.

One study found that the Vicks VapoRub provides a “positive clinical effect” in treating toenail fungus. To use Vicks VapoRub for your toenail fungus, simply apply a small amount to the affected area once a day.

Tea Tree Oil

The tea tree oil is an essential oil with antiseptic and anti-fungal abilities. Some clinical studies on tea tree oil have shown that the oil could be an effective toe fungus treatment. To use, apply the essential oil directly to the affected nail twice a day using a cotton swab.

Oregano Oil

Oregano oil is another essential oil that’s been found to be effective at treating fungal infections. It contains thymol, an ingredient that has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. When using oregano oil as a fingernail fungus treatment, apply the oil directly to the affected area twice a day.

Combining oregano oil with other essential oils is also possible, such as tea tree oil. However, keep in mind that both essential oils are potent and could cause irritation and allergic reactions.

Snakeroot Extract

Snakeroot extract is another effective home remedy for fungus. It’s derived from a plant that belongs to the sunflower family. A study in 2008 has found that the plant extract is as effective as the prescription medicine ciclopirox in treating toenail fungus. The snakeroot extract was applied directly to the affected area in the study.

Olive Leaf Extract

The extracts of olive leaves were found to be effective in toe fungus treatment. The leaves contain oleuropein, an ingredient with antimicrobial, immune-boosting, and anti-fungal properties. To use, apply the salve you have extracted from the olive leaves directly to your nails.

There are also capsules made from olive leaves extracts that you can take orally to treat the nail fungus. A 2012 study shows that taking one to three capsules twice a day is more effective than applying the olive salve as a toenail infection treatment. Make sure to drink plenty of water after taking the capsules.

Sea salt baths

Sea salt has been found to have potent anti-fungal and antibacterial properties, making it the best toenail fungus treatment. The salt could inhibit the growth of fungal infections and prevent them from spreading.

There are many ways to use seal salt as an anti fungal nail treatment. Some people would mix the sea salt with other natural treatments, such as vinegar, to produce a paste-like substance that you can apply directly to the affected area. Another method is to dissolve the salt in a cup of water and use it as a foot bath. Soak your feet to the salt and water mixture for at least 20 minutes. Make sure to dry your feet thoroughly after soaking.


Vinegar is also believed to be effective at treating toe fungus. However, only anecdotal evidence supports vinegar as a natural remedy for fungus. Still, it’s worth giving this home remedy a try. To use vinegar as toe fungus treatment, soak the affected toe in a mixture of one part vinegar and two parts warm water. Leave your toe soaked in the vinegar for up to 20 minutes daily.


A review in 2009 has found that garlic contains antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties. To treat your toenail fungus with garlic, chop or crush the garlic cloves and apply directly on the affected area for 30 min per day. If you do not like the smell of garlic, take garlic capsules instead. It’s more convenient and less messy.

Listerine mouthwash

Mouthwash products like Listerine contain ingredients that could kill bacteria and fungus. These include thymol, eucalyptus, and menthol. As such, Listerine mouthwash could be the best toenail fungus treatment. To try this home remedy, pour Listerine into a basin of warm water and soak your foot for 30 minutes daily.

Adjust Your Diet and Observe Proper Hygiene

As always, prevention is better than cure. To prevent toenail fungus, consider adjusting your diet and observe proper hygiene. If you focus on eating healthy foods, your body can quickly fight off conditions like toenail fungus. Feed your body with the right nutrients by eating these foods:

Foods containing essential fatty acids

Foods that are high in Vitamin D and calcium, including low-fat dairy products.

Iron-rich foods to prevent brittle nails.

Probiotic-rich yogurt.

Protein-rich foods to support the regrowth of nails.

You must keep your nails clean at all times to prevent the growth of fungal infections. Here are some hygiene tips to keep in mind:

Wash your feet regularly and moisturize after washing. 

Trim your nails straight across and smoothen the edges with a file. 

Disinfect the nail clippers after every use.

Wear shoes made of materials that will allow your feet to breathe.

Use sweat-absorbing socks and change your socks immediately once they get wet.

When going to a nail salon, make sure to choose a salon that uses sterilized manicure tools for each customer.

Minimize the use of artificial nails and nail polish.

When To See a doctor?

Toenail fungus may not be a serious illness and is often considered a cosmetic problem, but it could lead to serious complications if you leave it untreated. And although there are home remedies that you can use for toe fungus treatment, there are instances where you need to see a doctor. The doctor can prescribe the best toenail fungus treatment depending on your situation.

For those diagnosed with diabetes, toenail fungus could lead to foot ulcers and other foot problems. Moreover, health experts consider chronic toenail fungus a risk factor for bacterial cellulitis on the leg. This condition can cause redness, swelling and pain in the legs. If not treated, it could spread to other parts of the body and cause serious health problems.

If you have diabetes or a weakened immune system, you should see your doctor immediately once you develop toe fungus. Avoid using home remedies for toe fungus treatment. See your doctor for proper and safe treatment.


You can avoid toenail fungus if you follow proper hygiene and adapt to the daily routine of thoroughly cleaning, washing, and drying your feet. Eating healthy and nutritious foods may help as well. Filing down your nails may also help to prevent fungal infections.

But once the infection starts to develop, consider applying over-the-counter anti-fungal medications. However, some of these medications may come with side effects. So, before using them, consider applying the home remedies mentioned above. These home remedies may not be the best toenail fungus treatment, but they are definitely safer. Plus, they are readily available as well.

But if none of the home remedies will cure your fungal infection, it is best to see your doctor, especially if the condition has gotten so severe. Severe cases of toenail fungus could cause extreme pain and could lift the nail away from the nail bed, leading to irreparable damage on your toes.

Or better yet, try all natural toenail fungus treatment.