Dark Toenails Treatment: How to Treat Dark Toenail Fungus

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If you notice that your toenails are turning dark, you’re probably suffering from dark toenail fungus. As you know, toenails are naturally white. So, when they start to turn dark, you can assume that something is wrong with them.  

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One of the conditions that can cause the darkening of the nails is a fungal infection. While there are many other reasons your toenails have gone dark, such as nail polish, trauma, or nutritional deficiencies, it is most likely due to toenail fungus. This condition is very common, affecting millions of people worldwide. 

Here’s everything you need to know about the dark toenail fungus and how to treat it. 

What Causes Dark Toenail? 

Below are the possible causes of having dark toenails: 

  • Underlying medical conditions – certain conditions, such as heart diseases, diabetes, anemia, or kidney disease, could darken your toenails. 
  • Melanoma – this is a serious type of skin cancer, which often appears as dark brown spots. These spots could sometimes occur underneath the nail bed, causing your toenails to darken. 
  • Trauma – sometimes, toenails will darken due to injury. The trauma to the toenails could break the blood vessels underneath a nail, leading to bleeding. As a result of bleeding, the nails will appear black. 
  • Fungal infections – toenail fungus is often the number one reason for the darkening of toenails. There are also instances where the toenails will turn yellowish. But in most cases, fungal infections can cause toenails to darken due to debris buildup. Your toenails are highly vulnerable to fungal infections since fungi often thrive in warm and moist environments. 

When To See a Doctor 

A dark toenail does not generally require a doctor’s visit. The need for medical treatment will mainly depend upon the initial cause. Knowing the cause can help determine the best course of treatment. But if you are not exactly sure about the reason behind the darkening of your toenails, it’s a good idea to see your doctor. In rare cases, dark toenails can signify a serious medical condition that would require urgent treatment.  

But then again, not all cases of dark toenail fungus will require you to see a doctor. However, if you have been diagnosed with diabetes and other conditions, you should see your doctor for a proper diagnosis. 

The first thing that your doctor will do is diagnose your dark toenails. If you suspect that you have melanoma, you should see a dermatologist. But if your dark toenail is caused by some other underlying health issues, like diabetes, you should see your primary doctor for proper treatment for nail fungus

Your doctor can offer advice on the most effective dark toenails treatment. Also, if your toenails have remained dark for a while, you should get them checked by a doctor. 

Can a Dark Toenail Cause Complications? 

If your dark toenail fungus is left untreated, it could spread throughout your feet and some other parts in your body. It could also cause permanent damage to your toenails.  

Complications can also happen from melanoma in the toenail mistaken for trauma-induced darkened toenail. You should immediately see your doctor the moment you notice any dark spots spreading all over your nails or if they will not go away despite your toenails growing. 

What Are the Treatments for Black Toenail? 

It’s possible to treat dark toenail fungus as well as hand nail fungus at home. If caught early, you can treat this condition successfully. There are over-the-counter dark toenails treatments in the form of creams and polishes that can help treat toenail fungus. But for severe cases, prescription antifungal treatment is needed.  

If the darkening of your toenail is due to an injury or in the case of athlete’s foot toenail, the resulting spot from the broken blood vessels could disappear as soon as your nail grows out. Dark toenails caused by trauma resulting from an injury should resolve on their own without treatment. However, if the toenails grow out yet remain dark, you should see a doctor immediately as this might be due to some serious conditions. 

Darkening of toenails due to diabetes and other health conditions will require proper treatment.  

How To Prevent Dark Toenails? 

Keeping your toenails clean and dry can help prevent them from getting darkened. You should also exercise proper caution so as not to cause trauma to your nails, which is why they get darkened. This could involve wearing closed-toe shoes when working or carrying heavy objects. That way, your nails will not get injured if you accidentally drop heavy objects into your toes. Wearing proper-fitting shoes is also another way to protect your nails from injuries, especially when exercising. 

You must take other preventive measures when it comes to the other underlying causes behind dark toenails. Minimizing direct exposure to the sun to your feet and applying sunscreen around your toes can also help prevent melanoma. Dark toenails that are a result of other medical issues can be prevented through proper management and treatment of the underlying medical condition. 

If the doctor diagnosed your dark toenail fungus as being due to melanoma, immediate attention must be made to the toes to prevent it from further spreading. The treatment could include amputation of the tip of the toe or the entirety of the toe, depending on the size of melanoma. While getting your toes amputated is something you probably do not want, this is absolutely necessary to save your life and prevent cancer from spreading further. 


As you can see, the darkening of your toenails can have numerous different causes. Although many people will immediately assume that they have dark toenail fungus, there are other reasons why your toenails have darkened. Most cases are benign and get resolved with simple treatment. But sometimes, it’s due to genetics, such as the usual nail streaks that dark-skinned individuals often have. Others may be due to melanoma, a type of cancer that requires immediate treatment. Remember that the dark toenails treatment will mainly depend upon the reason behind the darkening of your toenails, so it is best to see a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. 

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