Athlete’s Foot Toenail Fungus: How to Treat

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The athlete’s foot toenail infection is a common condition affecting millions worldwide. It’s often a result of fungus, an organism lurking in dark, humid places, such as in the locker room or gym. But aside from the gym, you can also get this foot condition in some other places. 

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There are two types of fungal infections in the foot – one is the classic athlete’s foot, affecting the skin on your feet, and the other is an infection affecting your toenails, also known as mycotic nails. 

Here’s everything you need to know about the athlete’s foot toenail infection and how to treat it. 

What is an Athlete’s Foot Toenail infection? 

Developing an athlete’s foot under toenail is common. It’s a highly contagious infection part of a larger family of fungal infections affecting the nails and skin, including ringworm and jock itch. Since the cause of the condition is the fungus that thrives in a moist and warm climate, it’s pretty common for people to get it from the gym, public showers, and toilets. You will develop the infection once your foot gets into direct contact with the contaminated surfaces, most commonly in a shared communal space. 

The symptoms of an athlete’s foot toenail infection include an itchy and scaly rash on the feet, particularly between the toes. In addition, the affected toenails will get discolored. Instead of white, it will become brownish yellow. Eventually, it will become brittle, thick, and could separate from the nail bed. Aside from making your toenails look terrible, which can be embarrassing, they can trigger other symptoms and eventually develop into a serious health concern. 

For people who are diabetic or immunocompromised, you must get your athletes toenail fungus treated as soon as possible. These infections could cause a skin breakdown and could develop into conditions like foot ulcers and cellulitis. 

Consult with a Dermatologist to Diagnose the Problem 

Foot fungus will not just go away on its own. So, if you believe that you have an athlete’s foot and toenail fungus infection, see a dermatologist for proper diagnosis. The dermatologist can conduct several tests to determine what is going on.  

It’s also worth noting that other diseases can cause changes in your nails. For instance, conditions like squamous cell skin cancers and melanomas can discolor the nails into a blackish or brownish color. 

Doctors Will Advise the Best Treatment 

After diagnosing your athlete’s foot toenail infection, your doctor will prescribe you medications as the treatment for nail fungus, which you can take every day for several months, depending on the severity of the condition. But these pills may come with side effects and are not safe for everyone. Some oral antifungal medications could interact with the other medications you are taking, which are not good for your liver and can cause serious side effects. 

Fortunately, the treatment for athletes toenail fungus is not only limited to oral medications. There are topical solutions that can treat this condition. While they may not be as effective as the oral antifungal medications and could take longer before you start seeing results, they have a lower risk of side effects and interactions with other medicines. Therefore, they are much safer. 

Unfortunately, even if your athlete’s foot has already been treated, there’s a tendency that fungal infections will reoccur, especially if you are predisposed to this kind of skin condition. Some experts recommend continuously using topical antifungal cream even if your fungal infection has already been treated. It’s also helpful to apply an antifungal powder or spray in your shoes once you have treated the condition to minimize the risk of recurrence. You can read how to know if toenail fungus is dying for more information on that.

Over-the-Counter Antifungal Creams May Help 

If the fungal infection affects only the skin of your feet, you can resort to using antifungal creams, which you can buy over the counter. These creams are better than powders or sprays since you can completely coat the affected foot with it and treat the skin’s entire surface. Make sure to apply the cream between the toes since that’s usually the most common problem area for athlete’s foot toenail infection. 

Tips to Prevent Athlete’s Foot Toenail Infection 

The best way to removing toenail fungus is to minimize exposure to the fungus that’s causing the infection. Thankfully, there are things you can do to avoid contracting an athlete’s foot and toenail fungus infection

  • Wash your feet well after exercising and dry them up before putting your shoes on. When cleaning your feet, clean the areas between your toes.  
  • If you use communal areas like a shower at a public pool or gym, wear something to protect your feet, such as waterproof shoes or flip-flops. This is to ensure that your feet will not get into contact with contaminated surfaces.  
  • If you believe you have a case of athlete’s foot toenail infection, treat it immediately using over-the-counter creams.  
  • Since the athlete’s foot toenail infection thrives in dark and damp environments, wear shoes that will allow your feet to breathe and not trap sweat inside them. Make sure to change your socks more often. Invest in socks that can help wick moisture away. 
  • If someone in your home has an athlete’s foot toenail infection, keep your feet protected since the condition is highly contagious. 


It’s not that difficult to treat the athlete’s foot toenail infection. But make sure you treat it as soon as possible. If you will wait for a long time to treat the fungus, there’s the danger that it could spread to several other parts of your such as in the groin and hands. Also, untreated fungal infections on the toenails could thicken your nails and, in the worst cases, cause them to crumble and discolor. In addition, the toenail infection can make you more vulnerable to bacterial infections, including cellulitis. 

If, for some reason, you cannot see your doctor immediately, treat your infection with over-the-counter fungal creams. Apply the cream in the affected areas, including the surrounding skin, to help prevent the condition from spreading. The cream can also help to keep the skin stay intact. 

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