Yellow Toenails Treatment: Yellow Brittle Toenails Treatment Options

If you’re looking for information about yellow toenails treatment, you have come to the right place. But it’s worth noting that the treatment for yellow toenails will vary depending on what causes it. While most people will immediately assume it’s due to fungal infections, excessive use of nail polish can also cause the yellowing of your nails. And in some rare cases, yellow toenails can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition. 

Nails are normally translucent in color, and the pinkish flesh underneath the nails should be visible. So, when the nails turn yellow, that’s an indication that something is wrong with them.  

In this article, let’s look at why the toenails will turn yellow and learn about effective yellow toenails treatment. 

What Are the Causes of Yellow Toenails? 

Nails are made up of a hardened protein known as keratin. It’s the same protein that we have on our skin and hair. Nails consist of multiple parts, including the nail plate, nail bed, cuticle, nail folds, and lunula. Toenails grow as living cells under the cuticle, replicating, and pushing older, dead cells forward. These dead cells will then form the hardened nail plate, protecting the toe. 

Part of why your toenails is turning yellow is the natural consequence of aging. As we get older, we will notice changes in our toenail’s thickness, color, and shape. This should not cause any concern, as it’s a natural part of aging. However, yellow under toenail can occur for various reasons, some of which may need treatment. 

Below are some reasons why your toenails are turning yellow: 

  • Fungal infection – if the toenails will get into contact with a harmful fungus, it can lead to a fungal nail infection known as onychomycosis. Onychomycosis could affect any part of the nail and make the nails appear yellowish. It can also cause discomfort to patients, making them unable to walk. Fungal infection is usually the most common cause of yellow toenails. You can turn to over-the-counter antifungal cream for the yellow toenails treatment of fungal infections. But for severe cases, you may need to see a doctor who can prescribe the proper medication. 
  • Yellow nail syndrome – yellow nail syndrome is a rare condition that will cause both toenails and fingernails to turn yellowish. The nails will grow more slowly, lack a cuticle, and get damaged easily. This condition comes with more severe symptoms, including swelling of the lower limbs and respiratory problems. It’s still unknown what the cause is, but it’s more common for people above 50 years old. 
  • Nail polish – excessive use of nail polish can cause the toenails to become discolored. In particular, using dark-colored nail polishes, such as orange and red, can cause the toenails to become yellowish. Although they could make the nails look unpleasant, yellow toenails resulting from too much nail polish should not be a cause for concern. It will eventually get better once new nails start growing. 
  • Underlying medical conditions – yellow toenails can also develop as a symptom of underlying medical conditions, that include tuberculosis, psoriasis, diabetes, thyroid conditions, jaundice, and sinusitis. In this case, the yellow toenails treatment would require treating the underlying medical condition.  

Unless the suspected cause of yellow brittle toenails is excessive use of nail polish, anyone with yellow toenails should consider going to the doctor as they might require a prescription drug to treat the condition. This is especially important for those experiencing other symptoms alongside the yellowish toenails. These symptoms include bleeding, pain, changes to the thickness or shape of the nail plate, and swelling. 

Effective Yellow Toenails Treatment 

For most people, the reason behind their yellow toenails are excessive use of nail polish or fungal infection. Treatment is no longer needed when it’s due to excessive nail polish. You just have to stop using the nail polish for at least a week, and your nails will return to normal. 

On the other hand, the yellow toenails treatment or dark toenails treatment should be pretty straightforward if it’s due to fungal infections. There are topical and oral antifungal creams that can treat the condition. However, the period of treatment using these medications can be lengthy, and you may only achieve complete healing after about a year.   

Several home remedies can also be used as white toenail fungus or yellow toenails treatment. These include the following: 

  • Applying tea tree oil to the affected areas. You can also combine the oil with another essential oil for better results.  
  • Soaking the affected toenails with vinegar. 
  • Eating foods with a sufficient amount of Vitamin E. 
  • Soaking the affected toenails into a mixture of hot water and hydrogen peroxide. 
  • Soaking the toenails in hot water with baking soda. 

How to Prevent Yellow Toenails 

While it’s not entirely possible to prevent yellow toenails, you can reduce your risk of developing yellow under toenail by doing the following: 

  • Wash your toenails regularly. Apply soap directly to the feet when showering. 
  • Always keep your toenails dry. Make sure you dry them properly every after wash. 
  • Use clean nail clippers. 
  • Wear a clean pair of shoes that fit properly and will not pressure your toes. 
  • Avoid wearing closed-top shoes all day, especially during hot weather. 
  • Do not swim in dirty or contaminated water. 
  • Always wear clean pair of socks. 
  • Air out your shoes after every use. 


There are several possible causes behind the yellowing of your toenails. But the good news is that the yellow toenails treatment is pretty straightforward, depending on the reason behind the yellowing of your toenails. The cause will either be excessive nail polish use or fungal infection for most people. But in some rare cases, it could be a sign of a more serious underlying medical condition. 

Unless the reason is excessive use of nail polish, you should see a doctor if you notice your nails are starting to become yellowish. Practicing proper feet hygiene and keeping your toes clean at all times can greatly help to prevent your toenails from turning yellowish. 

White Toenail Fungus: White Toenail Fungus Treatment

Onychomycosis, or white toenail fungus, is a common nail disorder that affects millions worldwide. This condition results from a certain type of fungus known as dermatophytes. These parasites feed on keratin, the protein that makes up the nails. Dermatophytes are anaerobic organisms, which means they can survive even without oxygen. This type of fungus can also cause other infections, such as jock itch and ringworm. 

Onychomycosis is characterized by the thickening and discoloration of the nails due to the overproduction of keratin that’s meant to replace the ones eaten by the fungus. The white nail fungus infection will usually start at the nail bed before spreading and growing to cover the entire nail. 

Different Types of White Toenail Fungus 

Toenail fungus can come in several different types. Here are some of them: 

  • Distal Subungual Onychomycosis – this is a type of nail fungus characterized by an infection that occurs between the skin and the tip of the nail, as well as on the sides of the nail. If you have this type of fungal infection on your toenails, you will notice that your nails have become yellowish. 
  • White Superficial Onychomycosis – white superficial onychomycosis is characterized by the white and powdery specs that will appear on the surface of the nails. Aside from the white under toenail, the affected nails will also get flaky and brittle. This infection is highly curable compared to the other types of white toenail fungus
  • Proximal Subungual Onychomycosis – this is a rare form of toenail fungus characterized by white under toenail spots. Sometimes, the spots are yellowish and will appear on the cuticle before eventually spreading throughout the other parts of the nail. 

People often have the impression that onychomycosis is merely due to a cosmetic problem. But people suffering from white toenail fungus will sometimes experience severe pain due to the nails growing inward. The condition could affect the patient both physically and mentally as the discomfort could make them unable to perform their normal daily tasks, such as running and walking. Onychomycosis can also make patients feel embarrassed and refrain from socializing since the condition can make their nails look horrible. There’s also the fear that they could spread it to other people since it’s highly contagious. Another common form of toenail fungus is athlete’s foot toenail fungus.

What to Look for in a White Toenail Fungus Treatment 

If your white toenail fungus is left untreated, it can become a challenge to treat. The severity of your condition is an important factor to consider when determining the proper treatment. If the toenails have become thick and yellowed and were left untreated for a long time, you will need a medication prescribed by a doctor. Here are the other factors to consider when it comes to the white toenail fungus treatment. 

  • Location of the infection – usually, the toenail fungus will manifest as an athlete’s foot. It will begin with some rashes appearing on foot before spreading to the toenails. The treatment for an athlete’s foot is different from toenail fungus, so be mindful of where the problem is before you resort to treatment. If you have confirmed that you have an athlete’s foot, you can turn to antifungal creams, sprays, ointments, and powders, which you can purchase over the counter. 
  • Ingredients of the medication – undecylenic acid and zinc undecylenate are both ingredients approved by the FDA to treat toenail fungus. Also, if you seek consultation from a dermatologist, they will most likely prescribe medications from the “azole” family. It works by interfering with the synthesis of the white fungus under toenail, which essentially kills the white fungus. 

Different Types of Toenail Fungus Treatments 

The treatment for white toenail fungus can come in a variety of forms. However, the most commonly used treatments are oral, topical, and homeopathic medications. 

  • Oral – oral fungal medications have been proven effective for treating toenail fungus. However, they could take a long time to work. Lamisil has been found to have the lowest side effects of all the oral antifungal medications and works as a fungicidal medication that destroys the fungus by blocking its ability to “breath” or produce oxygen molecules needed for it to survive. However, people suffering from certain conditions may not be eligible for oral antifungal medications as they will be at high risk for serious side effects when taking the drug. These conditions include chronic renal failure, renal transplant, immunodeficiency, cancer, diabetes, etc. 
  • Topical – topical treatments, such as ciclopirox and amorolfine, can help treat minor toenail fungus. These medications can cause less serious and fewer side effects. However, the medication cannot penetrate the nail plate, so the efficacy is usually low. While topical treatments can be effective, they require costly and lengthy regimens with no established method for predicting the outcome. 
  • Natural or homeopathic treatment – natural preventative measures for white toenail fungus or dark toenail fungus may work. However, once the fungus sets in, your best bet is to go for research-backed and FDA-approved oral antifungal medication. Garlic is known for its antifungal properties and can provide relief for white toenail fungus when used as a foot soak. But keep in mind that when you turn to natural or homeopathic treatment, a complete cure can take more than a year. 


The white toenail fungus is a common condition affecting many people. Males are usually more prone to acquiring the toenail fungus than females. Also, individuals who are 60 years old and above are more susceptible to developing toenail fungus than much younger individuals. But this could be because they generally have a weak immune system. Certain conditions can also make you easy prey for dermatophytes, the parasite that causes the toenail fungus. These conditions include leukemia, diabetes, and psoriasis. 

If you suspect that you have white toenail fungus, the first thing you must do is see a doctor for the proper diagnosis of the condition. Only your doctor can prescribe the most effective treatment for your toenail fungus. Your doctor can also assess if a certain antifungal medication is safe for you to use or not. 

Dark Toenails Treatment: How to Treat Dark Toenail Fungus

If you notice that your toenails are turning dark, you’re probably suffering from dark toenail fungus. As you know, toenails are naturally white. So, when they start to turn dark, you can assume that something is wrong with them.  

One of the conditions that can cause the darkening of the nails is a fungal infection. While there are many other reasons your toenails have gone dark, such as nail polish, trauma, or nutritional deficiencies, it is most likely due to toenail fungus. This condition is very common, affecting millions of people worldwide. 

Here’s everything you need to know about the dark toenail fungus and how to treat it. 

What Causes Dark Toenail? 

Below are the possible causes of having dark toenails: 

  • Underlying medical conditions – certain conditions, such as heart diseases, diabetes, anemia, or kidney disease, could darken your toenails. 
  • Melanoma – this is a serious type of skin cancer, which often appears as dark brown spots. These spots could sometimes occur underneath the nail bed, causing your toenails to darken. 
  • Trauma – sometimes, toenails will darken due to injury. The trauma to the toenails could break the blood vessels underneath a nail, leading to bleeding. As a result of bleeding, the nails will appear black. 
  • Fungal infections – toenail fungus is often the number one reason for the darkening of toenails. There are also instances where the toenails will turn yellowish. But in most cases, fungal infections can cause toenails to darken due to debris buildup. Your toenails are highly vulnerable to fungal infections since fungi often thrive in warm and moist environments. 

When To See a Doctor 

A dark toenail does not generally require a doctor’s visit. The need for medical treatment will mainly depend upon the initial cause. Knowing the cause can help determine the best course of treatment. But if you are not exactly sure about the reason behind the darkening of your toenails, it’s a good idea to see your doctor. In rare cases, dark toenails can signify a serious medical condition that would require urgent treatment.  

But then again, not all cases of dark toenail fungus will require you to see a doctor. However, if you have been diagnosed with diabetes and other conditions, you should see your doctor for a proper diagnosis. 

The first thing that your doctor will do is diagnose your dark toenails. If you suspect that you have melanoma, you should see a dermatologist. But if your dark toenail is caused by some other underlying health issues, like diabetes, you should see your primary doctor for proper treatment for nail fungus

Your doctor can offer advice on the most effective dark toenails treatment. Also, if your toenails have remained dark for a while, you should get them checked by a doctor. 

Can a Dark Toenail Cause Complications? 

If your dark toenail fungus is left untreated, it could spread throughout your feet and some other parts in your body. It could also cause permanent damage to your toenails.  

Complications can also happen from melanoma in the toenail mistaken for trauma-induced darkened toenail. You should immediately see your doctor the moment you notice any dark spots spreading all over your nails or if they will not go away despite your toenails growing. 

What Are the Treatments for Black Toenail? 

It’s possible to treat dark toenail fungus as well as hand nail fungus at home. If caught early, you can treat this condition successfully. There are over-the-counter dark toenails treatments in the form of creams and polishes that can help treat toenail fungus. But for severe cases, prescription antifungal treatment is needed.  

If the darkening of your toenail is due to an injury or in the case of athlete’s foot toenail, the resulting spot from the broken blood vessels could disappear as soon as your nail grows out. Dark toenails caused by trauma resulting from an injury should resolve on their own without treatment. However, if the toenails grow out yet remain dark, you should see a doctor immediately as this might be due to some serious conditions. 

Darkening of toenails due to diabetes and other health conditions will require proper treatment.  

How To Prevent Dark Toenails? 

Keeping your toenails clean and dry can help prevent them from getting darkened. You should also exercise proper caution so as not to cause trauma to your nails, which is why they get darkened. This could involve wearing closed-toe shoes when working or carrying heavy objects. That way, your nails will not get injured if you accidentally drop heavy objects into your toes. Wearing proper-fitting shoes is also another way to protect your nails from injuries, especially when exercising. 

You must take other preventive measures when it comes to the other underlying causes behind dark toenails. Minimizing direct exposure to the sun to your feet and applying sunscreen around your toes can also help prevent melanoma. Dark toenails that are a result of other medical issues can be prevented through proper management and treatment of the underlying medical condition. 

If the doctor diagnosed your dark toenail fungus as being due to melanoma, immediate attention must be made to the toes to prevent it from further spreading. The treatment could include amputation of the tip of the toe or the entirety of the toe, depending on the size of melanoma. While getting your toes amputated is something you probably do not want, this is absolutely necessary to save your life and prevent cancer from spreading further. 


As you can see, the darkening of your toenails can have numerous different causes. Although many people will immediately assume that they have dark toenail fungus, there are other reasons why your toenails have darkened. Most cases are benign and get resolved with simple treatment. But sometimes, it’s due to genetics, such as the usual nail streaks that dark-skinned individuals often have. Others may be due to melanoma, a type of cancer that requires immediate treatment. Remember that the dark toenails treatment will mainly depend upon the reason behind the darkening of your toenails, so it is best to see a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. 

Hand Nail Fungus Treatment: Easy and Effective Tips for Hand Nail Fungus

Developing hand nail fungus isn’t fun. While it’s not life-threatening, it can cause embarrassment, especially when shaking someone’s hand. You will spend most of your time hoping that no one will notice it. Thankfully, there are many ways to treat this infection and end your suffering. 

A hand nail fungus is a type of infection caused by the fungus, an organism that feeds on organic matter, such as molds and yeast. It can make your hand nails look brittle and yellowish and a little bit gross.  

Here are some tips for effective hand nail fungus treatment. 

  1. Clean your Hands and Nails Regularly 

One of the most effective things you can do to protect your hands from developing fungal infections is to make sure you clean your hands and nails at all times. Use a nail brush and thoroughly clean the areas under your hand nails. But if you already have the fungus, make sure to use a different brush in cleaning the healthy nails and the infected nails. Remember, hand nail fungus is highly infectious. Thus, using the same brush to clean your nails could spread the fungus and infect healthy fingernails. 

Nail fungus can affect the toenails, too. In fact, it’s more common in the toenails than in hand nails. Thus, another thing you need to do to prevent nail fungal infection is to ensure that your socks are always clean and dry. The moisture could trap the fungus into your shoes, and that’s when you start to develop nail fungus. And if you already have it, wearing dirty socks could worsen your fungal infection. If your socks get damp or sweaty, make sure to change them immediately. 

When washing dishes, it’s good to wear rubber gloves to prevent your hands from getting overexposed to water, increasing your chances of developing thumb nail fungus. Make sure the gloves are dry inside by turning them inside out between washings. 

  1. Prevent the Spread of the Fungus 

One of the most common causes of hand nail fungus is using nail cleaning tools that have not been sanitized, especially if you are fond of going to public salons for manicure or pedicure procedures. Make sure that you go to a salon that uses brand new or sterilized cleaning tools when getting your hand nails done. 

Another tip for preventing hand nail fungus is to keep your shoes on when using public bathrooms, such as in public pools or gyms. This is for you not to end up getting infected with the nail fungus coming from other people. It is a good idea to keep in mind the question, is nail fungus contagious?

  1. Consider Using Essential Oils from Plant Extracts 

Essential oils from plant extracts are some of the most effective treatments for thumb nail fungus. You can find many essential oils that can effectively kill the fungus on your nails and are completely safe to use as well. 

Using natural oils for treating your nail fungus is highly recommended since these oils do not contain any chemicals that can cause harsh side effects. The most effective essential oils for treating nail fungus are jojoba oil, tea tree oil, and lemongrass oil. Using a blend of oils is also a good idea. Essential oil blends are more effective at treating nail fungus and are safe and healthy for the nails or skin. 

When to See a doctor? 

If your thumb nail infection is getting worse, and you do not see any improvements after using essential oils for treatment, it’s time to see a doctor. The doctor will examine your hand nails and the surrounding skin to confirm if you have a nail fungus. Since the fungus has the tendency to spread, the doctor will also check the skin surrounding the nails. 

Before giving you the diagnosis, the doctor might also have to take some samples by collecting some debris from underneath the nails, trimming off some parts of your hand nails, or scraping some skin. The samples will be taken to a lab to be examined under a microscope and determine what is causing the infection in your hand nails. 

How Doctors Treat a Fungal Nail Infection 

The treatment for hand nail fungus will vary depending on the type of fungal infection you have and the severity of the condition. But usually, the treatment will begin with your doctor trimming off your infected nails and scraping away the debris below the nails, which can help get rid of some fungus. 

To completely get rid of the hand nail infection, the doctor will recommend any of the following: 

  • Medication to apply to the nail  

If you’ve got a mild case of thumb nail infection, the doctor will prescribe a medicine that you can apply to your nails to get rid of the infection. The medication can help keep the fungus out and allow new nails to grow. Fingernails will normally grow out after six months, but toenails will take longer, usually between 12 to 18 months.  

But perhaps the most challenging part of this treatment is remembering to use it as often as required. Some medicines should be applied every day, while others should be applied once a week. To achieve the best results, you should apply these medications exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Medications that are used for toe nail fungus treatment are often same that are used to treat fingernail fungus.

  • Combination therapy 

Sometimes, hand nail fungus is hard to treat. Studies show that using a combination of antifungal pills and antifungal cream is more effective than using only a single treatment. 

  • Nail removal  

For severe cases of thumb nail fungus, your doctor might recommend removing your nails to get rid of the infection. Your doctor can opt for a nonsurgical or surgical procedure when it comes to this. For nonsurgical nail removal, a chemical will be applied to remove the nail. A dermatologist can perform surgical or nonsurgical nail removal in a clinic or office. These procedures are done to allow new nails to grow back. But if the infection fails to clear, the dermatologist will treat the infected nail so it won’t grow back again. 

Athlete’s Foot Toenail Fungus: How to Treat

The athlete’s foot toenail infection is a common condition affecting millions worldwide. It’s often a result of fungus, an organism lurking in dark, humid places, such as in the locker room or gym. But aside from the gym, you can also get this foot condition in some other places. 

There are two types of fungal infections in the foot – one is the classic athlete’s foot, affecting the skin on your feet, and the other is an infection affecting your toenails, also known as mycotic nails. 

Here’s everything you need to know about the athlete’s foot toenail infection and how to treat it. 

What is an Athlete’s Foot Toenail infection? 

Developing an athlete’s foot under toenail is common. It’s a highly contagious infection part of a larger family of fungal infections affecting the nails and skin, including ringworm and jock itch. Since the cause of the condition is the fungus that thrives in a moist and warm climate, it’s pretty common for people to get it from the gym, public showers, and toilets. You will develop the infection once your foot gets into direct contact with the contaminated surfaces, most commonly in a shared communal space. 

The symptoms of an athlete’s foot toenail infection include an itchy and scaly rash on the feet, particularly between the toes. In addition, the affected toenails will get discolored. Instead of white, it will become brownish yellow. Eventually, it will become brittle, thick, and could separate from the nail bed. Aside from making your toenails look terrible, which can be embarrassing, they can trigger other symptoms and eventually develop into a serious health concern. 

For people who are diabetic or immunocompromised, you must get your athletes toenail fungus treated as soon as possible. These infections could cause a skin breakdown and could develop into conditions like foot ulcers and cellulitis. 

Consult with a Dermatologist to Diagnose the Problem 

Foot fungus will not just go away on its own. So, if you believe that you have an athlete’s foot and toenail fungus infection, see a dermatologist for proper diagnosis. The dermatologist can conduct several tests to determine what is going on.  

It’s also worth noting that other diseases can cause changes in your nails. For instance, conditions like squamous cell skin cancers and melanomas can discolor the nails into a blackish or brownish color. 

Doctors Will Advise the Best Treatment 

After diagnosing your athlete’s foot toenail infection, your doctor will prescribe you medications as the treatment for nail fungus, which you can take every day for several months, depending on the severity of the condition. But these pills may come with side effects and are not safe for everyone. Some oral antifungal medications could interact with the other medications you are taking, which are not good for your liver and can cause serious side effects. 

Fortunately, the treatment for athletes toenail fungus is not only limited to oral medications. There are topical solutions that can treat this condition. While they may not be as effective as the oral antifungal medications and could take longer before you start seeing results, they have a lower risk of side effects and interactions with other medicines. Therefore, they are much safer. 

Unfortunately, even if your athlete’s foot has already been treated, there’s a tendency that fungal infections will reoccur, especially if you are predisposed to this kind of skin condition. Some experts recommend continuously using topical antifungal cream even if your fungal infection has already been treated. It’s also helpful to apply an antifungal powder or spray in your shoes once you have treated the condition to minimize the risk of recurrence. You can read how to know if toenail fungus is dying for more information on that.

Over-the-Counter Antifungal Creams May Help 

If the fungal infection affects only the skin of your feet, you can resort to using antifungal creams, which you can buy over the counter. These creams are better than powders or sprays since you can completely coat the affected foot with it and treat the skin’s entire surface. Make sure to apply the cream between the toes since that’s usually the most common problem area for athlete’s foot toenail infection. 

Tips to Prevent Athlete’s Foot Toenail Infection 

The best way to removing toenail fungus is to minimize exposure to the fungus that’s causing the infection. Thankfully, there are things you can do to avoid contracting an athlete’s foot and toenail fungus infection

  • Wash your feet well after exercising and dry them up before putting your shoes on. When cleaning your feet, clean the areas between your toes.  
  • If you use communal areas like a shower at a public pool or gym, wear something to protect your feet, such as waterproof shoes or flip-flops. This is to ensure that your feet will not get into contact with contaminated surfaces.  
  • If you believe you have a case of athlete’s foot toenail infection, treat it immediately using over-the-counter creams.  
  • Since the athlete’s foot toenail infection thrives in dark and damp environments, wear shoes that will allow your feet to breathe and not trap sweat inside them. Make sure to change your socks more often. Invest in socks that can help wick moisture away. 
  • If someone in your home has an athlete’s foot toenail infection, keep your feet protected since the condition is highly contagious. 


It’s not that difficult to treat the athlete’s foot toenail infection. But make sure you treat it as soon as possible. If you will wait for a long time to treat the fungus, there’s the danger that it could spread to several other parts of your such as in the groin and hands. Also, untreated fungal infections on the toenails could thicken your nails and, in the worst cases, cause them to crumble and discolor. In addition, the toenail infection can make you more vulnerable to bacterial infections, including cellulitis. 

If, for some reason, you cannot see your doctor immediately, treat your infection with over-the-counter fungal creams. Apply the cream in the affected areas, including the surrounding skin, to help prevent the condition from spreading. The cream can also help to keep the skin stay intact.