Best Over the Counter Toenail Fungus Treatment

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If your toenails have developed a fungal infection, then you are probably searching for the best over the counter toenail fungus treatment. While you will find many medications out there that claim to treat toenail fungus, a common infection affecting about 40 million Americans, none of the are to be used without the advice of a licensed doctor. If you must try an over the counter toenail fungus treatment, your best option is to opt for an all natural supplement that has proven ingredients that are known to treat such conditions.

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Before you turn to over-the-counter medications, it’s important to know that not all toenail fungal infections are the same. Therefore, the method of treatment will vary as well. If none of these medications will work for you, it is best to see a doctor who can prescribe the best over-the-counter toenail fungus treatment.

Here are some medications you might want to try.

Undecylenic Acid

Undecylenic Acid is a common ingredient in many otc toenail fungus treatments. It’s also used to treat other conditions like jock itch and athlete’s foot. Undecylenic Acid is a fatty acid that works by stopping the fungus from growing.

Before applying this medication, clean the affected area and make sure it’s thoroughly dry. Apply it directly to the affected area, twice a day or as directed by the product label or your doctor. The dosage and the length of treatment will depend on the type of toenail infection you have.

Apply a generous amount of this medication on the affected area, including the surrounding skin. After application, wash your hands thoroughly. You don’t need to wrap or cover the treated area. Use the medication regularly or until your toenail fungus is gone. If irritation occurs, see your doctor immediately. You can buy this medication from local drugstores, and it is often sold in the form of a liquid or a polish that you can apply directly to your nails.


Although Clotrimazole is more commonly used to treat yeast infections, it’s also considered the best over-the-counter toenail fungus treatment. A group of scientists in the UK has found it effective in treating the fungal infection of patients who used the medication for 12 weeks.

Aside from being used as an otc nail fungus treatment, Clotrimazole can also work to treat ringworm, athlete’s foot, nappy rash, and thrush. The product comes in the form of a cream, spray, or a solution that you can apply directly to your skin. The treatment method will vary depending on the type of fungal infection you have. You can buy Clotrimazole from a supermarket or pharmacy.

Terbinafine Gel

The Terbinafine Gel is used for treating a variety of fungal infections, including jock itch, athlete’s foot, and ringworm. It can help relieve itching, burning sensation, and other symptoms of fungal infections. Terbinafine is an antifungal gel considered one of the most effective toenail fungus otc medications.

To use the gel, apply it directly to the affected area. Make sure you clean and dry your toenails before application. Apply a thin layer of the gel on the toenails and the surrounding skin, usually once a day or as per the direction of the product label. If you have any concerns about the product, better ask the pharmacist of your doctor. After application, do not wrap, cover, or apply a bandage on the affected area.

Your toenail fungus will continue to improve with regular use of the terbinafine gel. It could take several weeks after the treatment of the infection to heal fully. See your doctor if your condition worsens or does not show any improvement within two weeks of use.


Tolnaftate is a topical antifungal agent considered the best otc toenail fungus treatment. It can work against mild to moderate cases of fungal infection in both nails and skin. Just like with the other toenail fungus otc medications, you can also use this medication to treat other fungal infections, such as ringworm, jock itch, and athlete’s foot.

Tolnaftate can be brought from the pharmacy and comes in a cream, spray, powder, or liquid form. You could start to feel relief after two to three days of using. But it’s recommended that you continue using it for at least two weeks, even after the symptoms disappear.

Mentholated Creams

Although mentholated creams are usually used to treat chest colds, they are also considered the best over-the-counter toenail fungus treatment. One of the most popular mentholated creams is the Vicks VapoRub. It’s a popular home remedy for fungal infections, including toenail fungus. Although there are not too many studies to prove that it works, one small study involving 18 people has shown that it can work to treat fungal infections.

The mentholated cream works by killing the fungus that causes the infection, eradicating it from the nail surface. Make sure the area is dry and clean before application. Use your fingertips to take some amount of the cream and rub it gently on your toenails in circular motions. Thoroughly wash your hands after use.

Essential Oils

Essential oils are another otc toenail fungus treatment that many people swear by. These oils are extracted and distilled from different plants and contain chemical compounds with powerful properties. Many of these oils have antifungal properties, which can help to treat toenail fungus. The best part about using essential oils is that they will not trigger any harmful side effects, unlike other otc nail fungus treatment, which contains synthetic ingredients.

Some of the most popular essential oils that can treat fungal infections are eucalyptus, citronella, peppermint, geranium, tea tree, and lemongrass. Some studies show these oils were truly effective in fighting fungal infections.

To use the antifungal essential oils, you can mix two or three drops of these oils to a carrier oil like coconut oil. Mix two to three drops of the essential oils with 20 drops of carrier oil. Then use cotton to coat the mixture of oils to the affected area of your toenail. You may need to apply the oils two to three times per day for several weeks until your symptoms improve.


Toenail fungus is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Although it’s not a pressing health problem and will not lead to life-threatening symptoms, it can cause discomfort to the patient. If left untreated, it may lead to more severe complications. So, if you find yourself suffering from this type of fungal infection, you can refer to the list above for the best over-the-counter toenail fungus treatment. If none of them works or if you are looking for the best toenail fungus treatment that is all natural, you can look at the link below.

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