What Causes Toenail Fungus?

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Toenail fungus is a common condition suffered by millions of people worldwide. But not many people are aware of what causes toenail fungus. The infection is a result of fungal strains sneaking beneath your nail beds. Once the fungus grows, it will cause the nails to get darkened and brittle. Sometimes, the nails will become smelly.

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While anyone can develop toenail fungus, some people are at high risk of developing this infection. As a matter of fact, factors such as genetics, gender, and overall health could affect your risk of getting a toenail fungal infection.

In case you are wondering what causes nail fungus, read the following.

Family History

A toenail fungal infection could be due to heredity. This is one of the reasons why some people are more at risk of developing this infection than others. For those infections due to heredity, the infection is often seen at an earlier age. However, the condition is usually more common in men who are more than 60 years old.

If one of your family members has a history of fungal infections, then there is a good chance that you could get it at some point in your life. So, once you start to develop any of the symptoms of toenail fungus, see your doctor right away.

Other Health Conditions

Certain chronic medical conditions could put you at risk of developing a fungal infection on the toenails. These conditions include the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), diabetes, poor circulation, and other conditions that could compromise your immune system and interfere with the healthy flow of blood in your toes.

If you are suffering from any of these health conditions, you have to take extra precautions by keeping your feet clean and dry at all times. People with diabetes should be very careful not to get a fungal infection on the toenails since it could take longer for the infection to be healed. Also, if their fungal infection is left untreated, they could suffer from more severe symptoms.

Wearing Tight Shoes

When you ask doctors what causes toenail fungus, one of their answers would be wearing tight shoes. If you are fond of wearing closed-toe shoes that are very tight, you could put yourself at a higher risk of developing the toenail fungus. This is especially true for shoes that are a bit narrow in the toe box. Frequently wearing a pair of tight shoes can cause trauma to your toenails, which can eventually weaken your toenails and make it easier for the fungus to get into the nails.

If you need to wear closed-toe shoes, opt for those shoes that provide plenty of room, allowing your toes to freely move around without being pinched. Better yet, choose shoes that will allow your feet to breathe. Alternate your closed-toe shoes with flip-flops or open-toed shoes to allow enough air to circulate and prevent fungus from thriving in your nails.

Nail Polish

Nail polish might help look your toes more presentable, but it is actually one of the causes of toenail fungal infection. Heavy-colored nail polishes could block the light into your nails, creating an environment that’s more susceptible to fungal growth. Therefore, give your toenails a break from nail polishes.

If you are getting your nails done at a salon, choose those that will properly sanitize all their tools after serving each customer. Toenail fungus is highly contagious and can be passed on to another individual through nail clippers. Also, try to schedule your appointment early in the morning so you will be the first to use the newly sanitized tools or equipment.

Public Shower Rooms

If you regularly use the public shower rooms, either at the pool or in your gym, make sure you wear flip-flops at all times. These places are the perfect breeding ground for fungus since they are wet and humid. So, try not to walk around barefoot while in these public places.

If you are swimming in a public pool, make sure you wear proper footwear. The fungus can thrive in the water, too. And if other people who have fungal infections will use the pool at the same time you are there, there’s a good chance that you could develop a fungal infection. Also, thoroughly dry your feet after swimming and showering before putting back your shoes.

Health Issue for Runners

Runners are among those people who are at high risk of developing fungal infections on the toenails. In fact, this is one of the most common health issues for runners, and it’s easy to see why. Runners tend to sweat quite a lot during a marathon. And as you know, fungus loves to thrive on damp surfaces, such as sweaty socks or shoes.

If you are a runner, avoid wearing a pair of tight running shoes. These shoes can further intensify the moist environment due to sweaty socks, creating a perfect setting for fungus to thrive in. Also, try wearing a pair of special socks made from fabric that can wick away moisture to help keep your feet dry and prevent fungal infections. It’s also a good idea to alternate the running shoes you wear and allow the shoes to dry out before you wear them again.

Frequent Wearing of Stockings

Regularly wearing a pair of stockings could easily lead to sweaty feet, making it easier for the fungal infection to grow. If you need to wear a pair of stockings before wearing a shoe, apply baby powder or antiperspirant powder on your feet before you slip into the stockings. This can help minimize sweating and prevent any chances for the fungus to grow.


Knowing what causes toenail fungus can help you minimize your chances of developing this fungal infection. But if you do get infected with fungus on your toenails, make sure to get it treated immediately, especially if you start to notice symptoms like foul odor on your feet, brittle nails, and others. Toenail fungus can be treated easily, especially if the condition is diagnosed early on.

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