Best Toenail Fungus Treatments

Toenail fungus is a very common condition that affects 3% – 12% of the total population. Older people are more likely to have it than younger people. Over the age of 70, as much as 50% people are affected. It is therefore important to know the best toenail fungus treatments. Having a fungal infection on your toes will not only ruin the appearance of your nail, but the pain that it brings can cause some discomfort. If left untreated, the infection will spread and cause the nails to crack. Worse, the nail could be removed from the nail bed, bringing extreme pain to your toes. So, before this can happen, you must know the most effective toe fungus treatment. As always, best solution is the all natural solution. Something that is made of all natural ingredients.

Thankfully, there are many treatments you can try. Doctors will usually prescribe prescription anti-fungal toenail fungus medications, such as Lamisil (terbinafine) or fluconazole. These are the most common medications for fingernail fungus treatment. And while these medications are sometimes effective, they could bring severe side effects to the patient, from upset stomach to dizziness and severe skin problems. Because of this, many people would prefer natural toenail fungus treatments over prescription medications when it comes to the best toenail fungus treatment. 

What is Toenail Fungus?

The toenail fungal infection or onychomycosis happens when some microscopic organisms invade your nails. These organisms thrive in warm and damp environments. Once the fungal spores from the air land on receptive surfaces like your toenail, they will eventually grow. These organisms feed on your nail tissues, burrowing into the skin underneath your nail.

Without proper toe fungus treatment, your nail will thicken and start to crack. Once the fungal debris accumulates, it could remove your toenail from the nail bed. When your toenail is removed from the nail bed, it can be hard to re-attach, and a new nail may not grow from the nail bed. However, your nail may continue growing from the root at the base.

Diagnosing Toenail Fungus

There should be a proper diagnosis to determine the right foot fungus treatment. Several nail conditions could appear as fungal infections. As we age, our nails can thicken and will become yellowish. A skin condition known as psoriasis can also cause the nail to crack and the surrounding skin flake. Specific injuries can also bruise the skin underneath the nail. Even chemicals from nail polish could cause the nail to discolor.

Whether you have toenail fungus or not, do not wait until your toenails start to crack and are eventually removed from the nail bed before you get proper treatment. Once you begin to notice some problems in your toenails, you should immediately see a podiatrist. Podiatrists are doctors specializing in diagnosing and treating disorders on foot. They will diagnose your condition, and if they find that it’s a fungal infection, they will prescribe fungal nail infection treatment.

Toenail Fungus Treatments

There are several toe fungus treatments out there, and the cost and effectiveness of the treatment will vary. To effectively treat your fungal nail infection, the drug must be able to penetrate the nail and the nail bed.

Over the Counter Products

Anti-fungal medications are applied directly on the nail or underneath the nail using a polish brush. However, these medications may not cure the fungus under toenail. What they will do is to address the symptoms and improve the appearance of your nails. There’s no clear evidence if any of these over-the-counter products are particularly effective. Still, they are worth a try.

Topical Treatments

Topical treatments are some of the most effective products for toenail infection treatment. However, you need a prescription to buy these medications. Some of the most common products are efinaconazole, tavaborole, and ciclopirox. These topical treatments must be applied daily on the toenails and could take up to a year before you start seeing noticeable improvement on your nails.

The topical prescription treatments may be effective for early and superficial fungal infections since they kill the fungi at the nail surface. Filing down the nail surface may help the medicine penetrate deeply into the nail and the nail bed. Some studies show that the cure rate of a topical anti fungal nail treatment is around 35%.

Oral Medications

Studies found that oral medications like itraconazole and terbinafine could eliminate the fungal infection within ten months of use. However, in some patients, the fungus returned within a few months. Like other oral medications, these drugs may harm the liver. So, your doctor will first check your liver function before prescribing oral medications for your toe fungus treatment.

Itraconazole could also interact with other drugs. Also, if you are taking these drugs, you must avoid drinking alcohol and prevent sun exposure. The medication could also worsen diabetes, vasculitis, and other illnesses. While these medications are truly effective and can be considered the best toenail fungus treatment, the benefits may not be worth the risks.

Home Remedies for Toenail Fungus

As mentioned above, some of the best toenail fungus treatments can come with serious side effects and are not worth the risk, especially for people suffering from certain conditions and taking other medications. This is why many people would turn to home remedies. Below are some of the most popular at-home fungal nail infection treatments.

Vicks VapoRub

The Vicks VapoRub is a topical ointment designed to suppress cough. However, its active ingredients, eucalyptus oil and camphor, can effectively treat fungus under toenail.

One study found that the Vicks VapoRub provides a “positive clinical effect” in treating toenail fungus. To use Vicks VapoRub for your toenail fungus, simply apply a small amount to the affected area once a day.

Tea Tree Oil

The tea tree oil is an essential oil with antiseptic and anti-fungal abilities. Some clinical studies on tea tree oil have shown that the oil could be an effective toe fungus treatment. To use, apply the essential oil directly to the affected nail twice a day using a cotton swab.

Oregano Oil

Oregano oil is another essential oil that’s been found to be effective at treating fungal infections. It contains thymol, an ingredient that has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. When using oregano oil as a fingernail fungus treatment, apply the oil directly to the affected area twice a day.

Combining oregano oil with other essential oils is also possible, such as tea tree oil. However, keep in mind that both essential oils are potent and could cause irritation and allergic reactions.

Snakeroot Extract

Snakeroot extract is another effective home remedy for fungus. It’s derived from a plant that belongs to the sunflower family. A study in 2008 has found that the plant extract is as effective as the prescription medicine ciclopirox in treating toenail fungus. The snakeroot extract was applied directly to the affected area in the study.

Olive Leaf Extract

The extracts of olive leaves were found to be effective in toe fungus treatment. The leaves contain oleuropein, an ingredient with antimicrobial, immune-boosting, and anti-fungal properties. To use, apply the salve you have extracted from the olive leaves directly to your nails.

There are also capsules made from olive leaves extracts that you can take orally to treat the nail fungus. A 2012 study shows that taking one to three capsules twice a day is more effective than applying the olive salve as a toenail infection treatment. Make sure to drink plenty of water after taking the capsules.

Sea salt baths

Sea salt has been found to have potent anti-fungal and antibacterial properties, making it the best toenail fungus treatment. The salt could inhibit the growth of fungal infections and prevent them from spreading.

There are many ways to use seal salt as an anti fungal nail treatment. Some people would mix the sea salt with other natural treatments, such as vinegar, to produce a paste-like substance that you can apply directly to the affected area. Another method is to dissolve the salt in a cup of water and use it as a foot bath. Soak your feet to the salt and water mixture for at least 20 minutes. Make sure to dry your feet thoroughly after soaking.


Vinegar is also believed to be effective at treating toe fungus. However, only anecdotal evidence supports vinegar as a natural remedy for fungus. Still, it’s worth giving this home remedy a try. To use vinegar as toe fungus treatment, soak the affected toe in a mixture of one part vinegar and two parts warm water. Leave your toe soaked in the vinegar for up to 20 minutes daily.


A review in 2009 has found that garlic contains antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties. To treat your toenail fungus with garlic, chop or crush the garlic cloves and apply directly on the affected area for 30 min per day. If you do not like the smell of garlic, take garlic capsules instead. It’s more convenient and less messy.

Listerine mouthwash

Mouthwash products like Listerine contain ingredients that could kill bacteria and fungus. These include thymol, eucalyptus, and menthol. As such, Listerine mouthwash could be the best toenail fungus treatment. To try this home remedy, pour Listerine into a basin of warm water and soak your foot for 30 minutes daily.

Adjust Your Diet and Observe Proper Hygiene

As always, prevention is better than cure. To prevent toenail fungus, consider adjusting your diet and observe proper hygiene. If you focus on eating healthy foods, your body can quickly fight off conditions like toenail fungus. Feed your body with the right nutrients by eating these foods:

Foods containing essential fatty acids

Foods that are high in Vitamin D and calcium, including low-fat dairy products.

Iron-rich foods to prevent brittle nails.

Probiotic-rich yogurt.

Protein-rich foods to support the regrowth of nails.

You must keep your nails clean at all times to prevent the growth of fungal infections. Here are some hygiene tips to keep in mind:

Wash your feet regularly and moisturize after washing. 

Trim your nails straight across and smoothen the edges with a file. 

Disinfect the nail clippers after every use.

Wear shoes made of materials that will allow your feet to breathe.

Use sweat-absorbing socks and change your socks immediately once they get wet.

When going to a nail salon, make sure to choose a salon that uses sterilized manicure tools for each customer.

Minimize the use of artificial nails and nail polish.

When To See a doctor?

Toenail fungus may not be a serious illness and is often considered a cosmetic problem, but it could lead to serious complications if you leave it untreated. And although there are home remedies that you can use for toe fungus treatment, there are instances where you need to see a doctor. The doctor can prescribe the best toenail fungus treatment depending on your situation.

For those diagnosed with diabetes, toenail fungus could lead to foot ulcers and other foot problems. Moreover, health experts consider chronic toenail fungus a risk factor for bacterial cellulitis on the leg. This condition can cause redness, swelling and pain in the legs. If not treated, it could spread to other parts of the body and cause serious health problems.

If you have diabetes or a weakened immune system, you should see your doctor immediately once you develop toe fungus. Avoid using home remedies for toe fungus treatment. See your doctor for proper and safe treatment.


You can avoid toenail fungus if you follow proper hygiene and adapt to the daily routine of thoroughly cleaning, washing, and drying your feet. Eating healthy and nutritious foods may help as well. Filing down your nails may also help to prevent fungal infections.

But once the infection starts to develop, consider applying over-the-counter anti-fungal medications. However, some of these medications may come with side effects. So, before using them, consider applying the home remedies mentioned above. These home remedies may not be the best toenail fungus treatment, but they are definitely safer. Plus, they are readily available as well.

But if none of the home remedies will cure your fungal infection, it is best to see your doctor, especially if the condition has gotten so severe. Severe cases of toenail fungus could cause extreme pain and could lift the nail away from the nail bed, leading to irreparable damage on your toes.

Or better yet, try all natural toenail fungus treatment.